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Adler number: alpha,15
Translated headword: Abanteios, Abantius, Abantian
Vetting Status: high
Translation: The [house][1] of Abas.[2] Also [attested is] Abantiades.[3]
Greek Original:*)aba/nteios: o( tou= *)/abantos. kai\ *)abantia/dhs.
Adler cites as a comparandum
Lexicon Ambrosianum 22, 23, 28.
[1] This suppletion is suggested by the corresponding entry in the
Lexicon of pseudo-
Zonaras 5.1, which is identical to this entry apart from the headword phrase: vs.
*)aba/nteios here, ps.-
Zonaras has
*)aba/nteios do/mos ('Abantian house'). The headword here could serve as a modifier for any substantive of the masculine gender, including a son or descendant, as is suggested by the subsequent reference to a patronymic form. The adjective is unattested outside of grammars and lexica, and ps.-
Zonaras provides the only example of it modifying a specific substantive.
Stephanus of
Byzantium in his entry on 'Abantis', an early name for Euboea (cf. Hesiod fr. 296 Merkelbach-West), notes it as the possessive adjective relating to the Abantes or to their legendary founder Abas, whom
Stephanos identifies either as the son of Lynkeus (see note 2 below) or a homonymous son of Poseidon. Cf. also
Herodianus Peri orthographias 3.2.429.34 and 465.14.
[2] Not the Abas of
alpha 20, but one of the mythological figures of that name; in fact almost certainly A. the son of Lynkeus, king of Argos [
Place] after Danaos and father of the twins Akrisios and Proitos (
Pausanias 2.16.2 (web address 1);
Library 2.2.1 (web address 2)).
[3] This term is used by (e.g.) Ovid both for an actual son of Abas (
Metamorphoses 4.607 (Acrisius): web address 3) and in the sense of a more distant descendant (4.673 (Perseus, great-grandson of Abas; cf.
pi 1372): web address 4).
Associated internet addresses:
Web address 1,
Web address 2,
Web address 3,
Web address 4
Keywords: biography; dialects, grammar, and etymology; geography; mythology; poetry
Translated by: Anne Mahoney on 22 August 1998@12:47:27.
Vetted by:William Hutton (Entered headword, modified note, added keywords, raised status) on 18 January 2001@09:34:40.
David Whitehead (augmented and modified note; added keyword) on 27 February 2003@07:23:08.
David Whitehead (tweaked tr; augmented notes and keywords; raised status) on 23 August 2007@07:12:31.
William Hutton (augmented notes, tweaked translation) on 23 August 2007@13:11:02.
William Hutton (tweaks and typos) on 24 August 2007@02:44:20.
Jennifer Benedict (cosmetics) on 24 March 2008@23:38:57.
Catharine Roth (upgraded links) on 5 August 2013@01:08:34.
Adler number: alpha,18
Translated headword: Abaris, Avars
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Scythian, son of Seuthes. He wrote the so-called Scythinian Oracles[1] and Marriage of the river Hebros and Purifications and a Theogony in prose and Arrival of Apollo among the Hyperboreans in meter. He came from Scythia to Greece.
The legendary arrow belongs to him, the one he flew on from Greece to Hyperborean Scythia. It was given to him by Apollo.[2]
Gregory the Theologian mentioned this man in his Epitaphios for Basil the Great.[3]
They say[4] that once, when there was a plague throughout the entire inhabited world, Apollo told the Greeks and barbarians who had come to consult his oracle that the Athenian people should make prayers on behalf of all of them. So, many peoples sent ambassadors to them, and Abaris, they say, came as ambassador of the Hyperboreans in the third Olympiad.[5]
[Note] that the Bulgarians thoroughly destroyed the Avars[6] by force.
[Note] that these Avars drove out the Sabinorians, when they themselves had been expelled by peoples living near the shore of the Ocean, who left their own land when a mist formed in the flood of the Ocean and a crowd of griffins appeared; the story was that they would not stop until they had devoured the race of men. So the people driven away by these monsters invaded their neighbors. As the invaders were stronger, the others submitted and left, just as the Saragurians, when they were driven out, went to the Akatziri Huns.[7]
The declension is Abaris, Abaridos [genitive singular], Abaridas [accusative plural], and with apocope Abaris [also accusative plural, with a long iota].
See about these things under 'Bulgarians'.[8]
Greek Original:*)/abaris: *sku/qhs, *seu/qou ui(o/s. sunegra/yato de\ xrhsmou\s tou\s kaloume/nous *skuqinou\s kai\ *ga/mon *(/ebrou tou= potamou= kai\ *kaqarmou\s kai\ *qeogoni/an kataloga/dhn kai\ *)apo/llwnos a)/ficin ei)s *(uperbore/ous e)mme/trws. h(=ke de\ e)k *skuqw=n ei)s *(ella/da. tou/tou o( muqologou/menos o)i+sto\s, tou= petome/nou a)po\ th=s *(ella/dos me/xri tw=n *(uperbore/wn *skuqw=n: e)do/qh de\ au)tw=| para\ tou= *)apo/llwnos. tou/tou kai\ *grhgo/rios o( *qeolo/gos e)n tw=| ei)s to\n me/gan *basi/leion *)epitafi/w| mnh/mhn pepoi/htai. fasi\ de\ o(/ti loimou= kata\ pa=san th\n oi)koume/nhn gegono/tos a)nei=len o( *)apo/llwn manteuome/nois *(/ellhsi kai\ barba/rois to\n *)aqhnai/wn dh=mon u(pe\r pa/ntwn eu)xa\s poih/sasqai. presbeuome/nwn de\ pollw=n e)qnw=n pro\s au)tou\s, kai\ *)/abarin e)c *(uperbore/wn presbeuth\n a)fike/sqai le/gousi kata\ th\n g# *)olumpia/da. o(/ti tou\s *)aba/ris oi( *bou/lgaroi kata\ kra/tos a)/rdhn h)fa/nisan. o(/ti oi( *)aba/ris ou(=toi e)ch/lasan *sabi/nwras, metana/stai geno/menoi u(po\ e)qnw=n oi)kou/ntwn me\n th\n parwkeani=tin a)kth/n, th\n de\ xw/ran a)polipo/ntwn dia\ to\ e)c a)naxu/sews tou= *)wkeanou= o(mixlw=des gino/menon, kai\ grupw=n de\ plh=qos a)nafane/n: o(/per h)=n lo/gos mh\ pro/teron pau/sasqai pri\n h)\ bora\n poih=sai to\ tw=n a)nqrw/pwn ge/nos. dio\ dh\ u(po\ tw=nde e)launo/menoi tw=n deinw=n toi=s plhsioxw/rois e)ne/ballon: kai\ tw=n e)pio/ntwn dunatwte/rwn o)/ntwn oi( th\n e)/fodon u(fista/menoi metani/stanto, w(/sper kai\ oi( *sara/gouroi e)laqe/ntes pro\s toi=s *)akati/rois *ou)/nnois e)ge/nonto. kli/netai de\ *)/abaris, *)aba/ridos, tou\s *)aba/ridas, kai\ kata\ a)pokoph\n *)aba/ris. zh/tei peri\ tw=n au)tw=n e)n tw=| *bou/lgaroi.
See generally A.H. Griffiths in OCD(4) p.1: "legendary devotee of Apollo from the far north, a shamanistic missionary and saviour-figure like
Aristeas [
alpha 3900]". Adler credits this part of the entry to the
Epitome Onomatologi Hesychii Milesii.
[1] Or in one manuscript, 'Skythian'.
[2] Perhaps from a scholion on the passage about to be cited (so Adler). Cf.
Herodotos 4.36.1 (web address 1).
[3] Gregory of Nazianzus PG 36.524b.
[4] This material is from Harpokration s.v.
[5] 768-765 BCE. Harpokration (see preceding note) cites Hippostratos (FGrH 568 F4) to this effect, but adds that there were later alternatives: the twenty-first Olympiad (696-693) or "the time of Croesus, king of
Lydia" (so
Pindar, fr.270 Snell-Maehler), i.e. c.560-546.
[6] The word used for the Avars here,
*)aba/ris, is a homograph for the name of the Hyperborean wise man Abaris, so this separate section on the Avars is included in this entry. There is no indication that the lexicographer sees any connection between the two topics. In mid-C6 CE the Avars were a nomadic people of the steppe north of the Black Sea; cf.
Oxford Dictionary of Byzantium s.v. Avars. On the territories of the Avars and of their surrounding ethnic groups in the epoch of Justinian (cf.
iota 446 generally), see Louth (110, map).
Priscus fr.30 FHG (4.104), still 30 Bornmann. The final part reappears at
alpha 820 and
sigma 111.
beta 423.
RE Abaris (1) I.16-17
Macartney, C.A. "On the Greek Sources for the History of the Turks in the Sixth Century." BSOAS 11 (1944): 266-275
A.P. Kazhdan, ed. et al., The Oxford Dictionary of Byzantium, (Oxford 1991)
A. Louth, "Justinian and His Legacy," in J. Shepard, ed., The Cambridge History of the Byzantine Empire c. 500-1492, (Cambridge 2008) 99-129.
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: biography; Christianity; dialects, grammar, and etymology; geography; historiography; history; mythology; philosophy; poetry; religion; rhetoric
Translated by: Anne Mahoney on 21 August 1998@17:03:41.
Vetted by:William Hutton (Modified translation and notes, added keywords, set status.) on 19 January 2001@14:57:43.
David Whitehead (augmented notes and bibliography; cosmetics) on 9 February 2001@05:20:43.
David Whitehead (added note) on 14 February 2001@06:09:48.
Mihai Olteanu (The only thracian item concerning Abaris is his father's name. Everything else pledes for his sythian ('hyperborean') origin. This is why I suppose we deal here with a copist mistake, and I propose the emendation: ́Αβαρις: Σκύθης, *Σκύθου υἱός (for Σκύθης as mythological character, see for example Herodotos 4,10).) on 22 January 2002@21:55:20.
David Whitehead (augmented notes and keywords; cosmetics) on 23 January 2002@03:11:25.
David Whitehead (augmented n.6 and added a keyword) on 5 October 2004@03:21:13.
William Hutton (augmented notes, added link and keywords, set status) on 24 August 2007@11:05:00.
Jennifer Benedict (cosmeticule) on 25 March 2008@00:16:43.
David Whitehead (another note; cosmetics) on 28 March 2014@06:23:27.
David Whitehead (updated a ref) on 29 July 2014@12:06:21.
David Whitehead (updated a ref) on 31 January 2015@09:22:24.
Catharine Roth (tweaked translation) on 18 February 2024@01:49:17.
Ronald Allen (expanded n.6, added further bibliography) on 21 August 2024@11:18:37.
Adler number: alpha,20
Translated headword: Abas
Vetting Status: high
Translation: A sophist, who left Historical Commentaries and an Art of Rhetoric.
Greek Original:*)/abas: sofisth\s, *(istorika\ u(pomnh/mata kai\ *te/xnhn r(htorikh\n katalipw/n.
Adler cites Epitome Onomatologi Hesychii Milesii for the entry.
See RE 1.19, Abas(11). Jacoby's Abas, FGrH 46, is a homonym, author of a Troika.
Epitome Onomatologi Hesychii Milesii (ed. Wentzel, Texte und Untersuchungen zur Geschichte der altchristlichen Litteratur XIII.3)
Keywords: biography; historiography; philosophy; rhetoric
Translated by: Anne Mahoney on 22 August 1998@12:57:09.
Vetted by:
Adler number: alpha,21
Translated headword: untested
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning someone/something] unexercised or unexamined, unscrutinized. The word comes from the test of the goldsmith's stone, on which they scrutinize gold.[1]
Aelian in his
On Providence used the word 'untested' to mean 'without pain'.[2]
Greek Original:*)abasa/nistos: a)gu/mnastos h)\ a)nece/tastos, a)doki/mastos. ei)/rhtai de\ a)po\ th=s basa/nou th=s xrusoxoi+kh=s li/qou, e)n h(=| dokima/zousi to\ xrusi/on. e)xrh/sato de\ *ai)liano\s e)n tw=| peri\ pronoi/as tw=| a)basa/nistos a)nti\ tou= a)/neu o)du/nhs.
Synagoge alpha4 (
Lexica Segueriana 3.14);
Lexicon alpha30 Theodoridis; perhaps ultimately derived in part from
Phrynichus (
Praeparatio rhetorica fr. 39 de Borries); cf.
Hesychius alpha89 and a cluster of related entries:
alpha 2276,
Hesychius alpha4899,
Synagoge alpha589,
Photius alpha1845.
*ba/sanos can mean both the touchstone itself and the testing process. See
beta 139, and cf.
beta 137.
Aelian fr.9 Hercher (= 9 Domingo-Forasté). The version of the entry at
Synagoge alpha4 includes the information that this is from the third book of the work in question.
Keywords: athletics; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; imagery; law; philosophy; rhetoric; science and technology; trade and manufacture
Translated by: Anne Mahoney on 22 August 1998@12:58:18.
Vetted by:
Adler number: alpha,61
Translated headword: to be unwilling
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] not to wish, or not to resolve.
Plato [sc. uses the word].[1]
Greek Original:*)aboulei=n: mh\ bou/lesqai, h)\ mh\ bouleu/esqai. *pla/twn.
Same entry in other lexica; references at
Photius alpha45 Theodoridis.
Republic 4.437C (web address 1 below).
Plato may have coined the verb for this passage.
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; philosophy
Translated by: Anne Mahoney on 26 August 1998@19:21:47.
Vetted by:
Adler number: alpha,68
Translated headword: favorite
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Not simply a maidservant nor even the pretty maidservant is called [favorite], but a daughter of one of the house slaves and an honored one, whether born in the house or not.
Menander in
False Heracles [writes]: "the mother of these two sisters is dead. A concubine of their father's, who used to be their mother's favorite slave, is bringing them up."[1] In
Sikyonian: "he bought a beloved slave instead and did not hand the slave over to his wife, but kept her apart, as is appropriate for a free woman."[2] In
Faithless One: "I thought if the old man got the gold, he'd get himself a favorite slave right away."[3]
Iamblichus [writes]: "since this was difficult and something of a rarity, with the [woman] housekeeper on guard and another favorite slave-woman also present, he persuades the daughter to run away without her parents' knowledge."[4]
Greek Original:*)/abra: ou)/te a(plw=s qera/paina ou)/te h( eu)/morfos qera/paina le/getai, a)ll' oi)ko/triy gunaiko\s ko/rh kai\ e)/ntimos, ei)/te oi)kogenh\s ei)/te mh/. *me/nandros *yeudhraklei=: mh/thr te/qnhke tai=n a)delfai=n tai=n duei=n tau/tain. tre/fei de\ pallakh/ tis tou= patro\s au)ta\s, a)/bra th=s mhtro\s au)tw=n genome/nh. *sikuwni/w|: kai\ a)/bran ga\r a)ntwnou/menos e)rwme/nhn, tau/th| me\n ou) pare/dwk' e)/xein, tre/fein de\ xwri\s, w(s e)leuqe/ra| pre/pei. *)api/stw|: w)/mhn ei) to\ xrusi/on la/boi o( ge/rwn, qera/painan eu)qu\s h)gorasme/nhn a)/bran e)/sesqai. *)ia/mblixos: e)pei\ de\ tou=to xalepo\n h)=n kai\ spa/nio/n ti to\ th=s oi)kourou= fulattou/shs kai\ a)/bras tino\s a)/llhs sumparou/shs, a)napei/qei th\n ko/rhn laqou=san tou\s gonei=s a)podra=nai.
The main part of this entry is also in
Lexicon alpha50 Theodoridis (where the headword is plural); similar material in other lexica.
LSJ uses the rough breathing (
a(/bra) for the word it defines specifically as 'favorite slave' (and indicates that the word is 'probably Semitic'). See web address 1 below. Chantraine, however, rejects the Semitic etymology and regards this noun as the feminine of the adjective
a(bro/s (cf.
alpha 70) with a change of accent.
Menander fr. 520 Kock, 453 K.-Th., 411 K.-A.
Menander fr. 438 Kock (1 Sandbach).
Menander fr. 64 Kock, 58 K.-Th., 63 K.-A.
Babyloniaca fr. 56 Habrich.
P. Chantraine, Dictionnaire étymologique de la langue grecque (ed. 2 Paris 2009), 4
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: comedy; daily life; definition; economics; ethics; gender and sexuality; philosophy; women
Translated by: Anne Mahoney on 26 August 1998@19:13:15.
Vetted by:
Adler number: alpha,97
Translated headword: Abron, Habron
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Phrygian or Rhodian, grammarian, student of Tryphon,[1] sophist at Rome, the offspring of slaves, according to
Greek Original:*)/abrwn: *fru\c h)\ *(ro/dios, grammatiko\s, maqhth\s *tru/fwnos, sofisteu/sas e)n *(rw/mh|, gegonw\s de\ e)k dou/lwn, w(/s fhsin *(/ermippos.
Presumably Habron (the aspirated version of the name is the more authentic), RE 8.2155 #4 (and OCD(4) s.v.), author of a treatise
On the Pronoun in the C1 CE.
[1] Tryphon:
tau 1115.
[2] For
Hermippus see
epsilon 3045. This is his fr. 73 FHG (3.52).
R. Berndt, 'Die Fragmente des Grammatikers Habron', Berliner philologioscher Wochenschrift 35 (1915) 1452-1455, 1483
Keywords: biography; daily life; dialects, grammar, and etymology; geography; philosophy; rhetoric
Translated by: Anne Mahoney on 26 August 1998@19:46:35.
Vetted by:William Hutton (Added headword, keywords, set status) on 1 February 2001@22:49:38.
David Whitehead (modified headword; augmented notes and bibliography) on 2 February 2001@03:41:19.
Catharine Roth (cosmetics, cross-reference) on 9 December 2009@17:25:23.
David Whitehead (added bibligraphy and another keyword) on 21 December 2011@06:41:35.
David Whitehead (expanded n.2) on 17 January 2014@04:59:58.
David Whitehead (updated a ref) on 29 July 2014@12:16:02.
Catharine Roth (coding) on 1 January 2015@23:50:39.
Adler number: alpha,101
Translated headword: Abudos, Abydos, Abydus
Vetting Status: high
Translation: A city.[1]
The word is applied to an informant [sukofa/nths] because of the common belief that the people of Abudos were informers.[2]
Also [sc. attested is] an adverb, *)abudo/qi, [meaning] in Abudos.[3]
Also [sc. attested is the phrase] *a)/budon fluari/an ["Abudos nonsense"], [meaning] great [nonsense].[4]
And [sc. attested is] *)abudhno\s, [meaning] he [who comes] from Abudos.[5]
Greek Original:*)/abudos: po/lis. e)pi\ sukofa/ntou ta/ttetai h( le/cis, dia\ to\ dokei=n sukofa/ntas ei)=nai tou\s *)abudhnou/s. kai\ e)pi/rrhma, *)abudo/qi, e)n *)abu/dw|. kai\ *)/abudon fluari/an, th\n pollh/n. kai\ *)abudhno\s, o( a)po\ *)abu/dou.
[1] =
Lexicon Ambrosianum 82, according to Adler. In fact two cities of this name are known: one on the Asiatic shore of the Hellespont (Barrington Atlas map 51 grid G4; present-day Maltepe) and
Abydos/Ebot in Upper Egypt (Barrington Atlas map 77 grid F4); without much doubt, the former is meant here. (In
Hesychius alpha23 the gloss is fuller -- 'a Trojan city of the Hellespont'. Latte regards the entry as prompted by
Iliad 2.836, accusative case, although similar wording appears in a late scholion to
Iliad 17.584, where the adverbial derivative
*)abudo/qi appears -- see n. 3 below). See also
alpha 100,
sigma 465, and generally OCD(4) s.v.
[2] = the first sentence of
Pausanias the Atticist alpha3 and
Photius alpha63 Theodoridis; cf. also
Zenobius 1.1, s.v.
*)abudhno\n e)pifo/rhma (
alpha 100), and Kassel-Austin, PCG III.2 p.376 on
Aristophanes fr. 755. See generally
sigma 1330,
sigma 1331,
sigma 1332.
[3] Probably from commentary to
Iliad 17.584, the only literary attestation of this adverb prior to
Musaeus Grammaticus (5/6 CE); cf. Apollonius Dyscolus
On Adverbs
[4] =
Synagoge Codex B alpha44, but in the better mss of
Photius (
Lexicon alpha64 Theodoridis) the adjective (in a nominative-case entry) is
a)/buqos ('bottomless'), surely correctly; cf.
alpha 104. The ultimate source may be
Parmenides 130D, though there too the text is uncertain: perhaps
ei)/s tin' a)/buqon fluari/an (web address 1), though the alternatives include
ei)/s tina bu=qon fluari/as. On the adjective
a)/buqos, a synonym for
a)/bussos, see the LSJ entry at web address 2.
[5] There are many literary attestations of this form of the ethnic adjective (nominative singular masculine), beginning with
Herodotus 4.138. For an instance in the Suda see
pi 71.
Associated internet addresses:
Web address 1,
Web address 2
Keywords: comedy; daily life; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; epic; ethics; geography; imagery; law; philosophy; proverbs
Translated by: Elizabeth Vandiver on 21 November 1998@13:59:06.
Vetted by:
Adler number: alpha,107
Translated headword: I exalt overmuch
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Used] with a genitive.
Greek Original:*)aga/zw: genikh=|.
Lexica Segueriana (Bekker) 121.30 (= alpha25 Petrova). This form of the verb (present indicative active first person singular) is unattested outside lexicography and grammars, and is probably a generic lexical reference. In general the verb appears far more frequently in the middle and aorist passive (usually with middle sense). The active and middle forms of this verb do not govern the genitive case in classical usage, although there is one example of the aorist passive doing so in
Plato Parmenides 135E, which may be the ultimate inspiration for this comment (as it probably also is for
Libanius (
Epistles 826.2, 1156.1, and 1279.1) and other later authors). In Byzantine Greek one occasionally finds the middle voice governing the genitive; e.g. Macrembolites
Hysmine and Hysminias 11.23. For the LSJ entry, which cites
Aeschylus and
Sophocles for the accusative, see web address 1 below.
D. Petrova, Das Lexicon Über die Syntax: Untersuchung und kritische Ausgabe des Lexikons im Codex Paris. Coisl. gr. 345 (Serta Graeca 25; Wiesbaden, 2006).
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: dialects, grammar, and etymology; ethics; philosophy
Translated by: Elizabeth Vandiver on 6 October 1999@11:00:05.
Vetted by:
Adler number: alpha,113
Translated headword: good things
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] excellent things.
Greek Original:*)agaqika/: ta\ spoudai=a.
Same entry in other lexica; references at
Photius alpha74 Theodoridis. The headword is neuter plural of the rare adjective
a)gaqiko/s; outside lexica and grammars, it is attested only in
Epicharmus fr. 99 Kaibel (now part of 97 Kassel-Austin), also a neuter plural, which may well have generated these entries.
The glossing adjective
spoudai=os, translated here as 'excellent', can also mean serious, weighty, morally good, and various other such terms. See
sigma 970; and web address 1 for the LSJ entry.
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: comedy; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; ethics; philosophy
Translated by: Elizabeth Vandiver on 18 February 2000@15:25:00.
Vetted by:
Adler number: alpha,114
Translated headword: beneficence
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Damascius [writes]: "to sum everything up in one statement, what
Pythagoras said about man being very similar to the divine is something that he [Isidore] clearly demonstrated in his deeds: his beneficent zeal and the generosity that he extended to everybody, but especially the elevation of souls from the manifold evil that weighs them down, and also the deliverance of bodies from unjust and unholy suffering;[1] and moreover a third thing: he took care of external matters as much as he was able."[2]
Greek Original:*)agaqoergi/a. *dama/skios: w(s de\ e(ni\ lo/gw| to\ pa=n sullabei=n, o(/per e)/fh o( *puqago/ras o(moio/taton e)/xein tw=| qew=| to\n a)/nqrwpon, tou=to safw=s e)pi\ tw=n e)/rgwn au)to\s e)pedei/knuto, th\n a)gaqoergo\n proqumi/an kai\ th\n e)s pa/ntas e)pekteinome/nhn eu)ergesi/an, ma/lista me\n th\n a)nagwgh\n tw=n yuxw=n a)po\ th=s ka/tw briqou/shs pantoi/as kaki/as: e)/peita kai\ th\n swth/rion tw=n swma/twn e)k th=s a)di/kou h)\ a)nosi/ou talaipwri/as: to\ d' au)= tri/ton, e)pemelei=to tw=n e)/cw pragma/twn, o(/sh du/namis.
[1] "No doubt at the hands of the civil authorities or of the Christians" (Athanassiadi).
Damascius fr.24 Zintzen (237 Asmus, 26B Athanassiadi).
Keywords: biography; Christianity; ethics; philosophy; religion
Translated by: William Hutton on 31 March 2001@09:53:52.
Vetted by:
Adler number: alpha,116
Translated headword: desire for the good
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] the choice of good things.[1]
"When it comes to getting things done a desire for the good alone does not suffice; there is also a need for strength and perseverence."[2]
Greek Original:*)agaqoqe/leia: h( tw=n a)gaqw=n e)klogh/. ou)k a)rkei= toi=s pra/gmasin h( a)gaqoqe/leia mo/non, a)lla\ dei= kai\ r(w/mhs kai\ e)pistrefei/as.
[1] The headword (a single word in the Greek) is a very rare feminine noun. It is glossed with this same phrase in the parallel entry in ps.-
[2] 'Anon.': LSJ s.v. Perhaps
Polybius, according to Adler. But suggested as a fragment of
Damascius by Asmus (fr. 20), and accepted as such by Zintzen (fr. 25) and Athanassiadi (fr. 158).
Keywords: definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; ethics; historiography; philosophy
Translated by: William Hutton on 31 March 2001@23:33:22.
Vetted by:
Adler number: alpha,118
Translated headword: good
Vetting Status: high
Translation: In general [it is] something beneficial, but in particular what is either identical with or not different from benefit; hence, both virtue itself and what participates in it are called "good" in three ways: as the good (i) from which [being benefited] results, [and (ii) according to which being benefited results,] as [virtuous] action and virtue,[1] and (iii) by whom [being benefited results], as the virtuous person who participates in virtue. Or [they define it [2]] in this fashion: the good is the perfection in accordance with nature of a rational being qua rational. And virtue is a thing of this sort, so that virtuous action as well as virtuous people participate [in the good]. Joy, cheerfulness and the like are byproducts [of virtue]. Furthermore, of goods, some are in the soul, others external, and others neither in the soul nor external. The ones in the soul are virtues and actions in accordance with them. The external ones are a virtuous fatherland, a virtuous friend, and their happiness. Those which are neither external nor in the soul are someone's being for himself virtuous and happy. Furthermore, of goods, some are final, others instrumental, and others both final and instrumental. Thus a friend and the benefits added by him are instrumental goods. But confidence, prudence, freedom, enjoyment, cheerfulness, freedom from distress, and every action in accordance with virtue are final. [Virtues] are instrumental and final: they are instrumental goods insofar as they produce happiness, and final [goods] insofar as they complete it in such a way as to become parts of it; for example a friend and freedom and enjoyment.[3] Furthermore, of the goods in the soul, some are conditions, others dispositions, and others neither conditions nor dispositions. Virtues are dispositions, pursuits conditions, and activities neither conditions nor dispositions. In general good children and a good old age are minor goods,[4] but knowledge is a simple good. And virtues are always present, but joy and taking a stroll for example not always. Every good is profitable, advantageous, binding, useful, serviceable, fine, beneficial, just, and choiceworthy.
The good is that which is aimed at by all things.[5]
Thus the good is that on which all things depend but which itself depends on nothing.[6]
Greek Original:*)agaqo/n: koinw=s me\n to/ ti o)/felos, i)di/ws de\ h)/toi tau)to\n h)\ ou)x e(/teron w)felei/as: o(/qen au)th/n te th\n a)reth\n kai\ to\ mete/xon au)th=s a)gaqo\n trixw=s le/gesqai. oi(=on to\ a)gaqo\n, a)f' ou(= sumbai/nei, w(s th\n pra=cin kai\ th\n a)reth/n. u(f' ou(= de\, w(s to\n spoudai=on to\n mete/xonta th=s a)reth=s. h)\ ou(/tws: to\ a)gaqo\n, to\ te/leion kata\ fu/sin logikou=, h)\ w(s logikou=. toiou=to d' ei)=nai th\n a)reth\n w(s mete/xonta ta/s te pra/ceis ta\s kat' a)reth\n, kai\ to\ spoudai/ous ei)=nai. e)pigennh/mata de\ th/n te xara\n kai\ th\n eu)frosu/nhn kai\ ta\ paraplh/sia. e)/ti tw=n a)gaqw=n ta\ me\n ei)=nai peri\ yuxh/n, ta\ de\ e)kto/s, ta\ de\ ou)/te peri\ yuxh\n ou)/te e)kto/s. ta\ me\n peri\ yuxh\n a)reta\s kai\ ta\s kata\ tau/tas pra/ceis: ta\ de\ e)kto\s to/ te spoudai/an e)/xein patri/da kai\ spoudai=on fi/lon kai\ th\n tou/twn eu)daimoni/an. ta\ de\ ou)k e)kto\s ou)/te peri\ yuxh\n to\ au)to\n e(autw=| ei)=nai spoudai=on kai\ eu)dai/mona. e)/ti tw=n a)gaqw=n ta\ me\n ei)=nai telika/, ta\ de\ poihtika/, ta\ de\ telika\ kai\ poihtika/. to\n me\n ou)=n fi/lon kai\ ta\s u(p' au)tou= prosginome/nas w)felei/as poihtika\ ei)=nai a)gaqa/: qa/rsos de\ kai\ fro/nhma kai\ e)leuqeri/an kai\ te/ryin kai\ eu)frosu/nhn kai\ a)lupi/an kai\ pa=san th\n kat' a)reth\n pra=cin telika/. poihtika\ de\ kai\ telika\, kaqo\ me\n poiou=si th\n eu)daimoni/an, poihtika/ e)stin a)gaqa/: kaqo\ de\ sumplhrou=sin au)th\n, w(/ste me/rh au)th=s gene/sqai, telika/: oi(=on fi/los kai\ e)leuqeri/a kai\ te/ryis. e)/ti tw=n peri\ yuxh\n a)gaqw=n ta\ me/n ei)sin e(/ceis, ta\ de\ diaqe/seis, ta\ de\ ou)/te e(/ceis ou)/te diaqe/seis. diaqe/seis me\n ai( a)retai/, e(/ceis de\ ta\ e)pithdeu/mata, ou)/te de\ e(/ceis ou)/te diaqe/seis ai( e)ne/rgeiai. koinw=s tw=n a)gaqw=n mikra\ me/n e)stin eu)tekni/a kai\ eu)ghri/a. a(plou=n de/ e)stin a)gaqo\n e)pisth/mh. kai\ a)ei\ me\n paro/nta ai( a)retai/, ou)k a)ei\ de\ oi(=on xara\, peripa/thsis. pa=n de\ a)gaqo\n lusitele\s ei)=nai kai\ sumfe/ron kai\ de/on kai\ xrh/simon kai\ eu)/xrhston kai\ kalo\n kai\ w)fe/limon kai\ di/kaion kai\ ai(reto/n. a)gaqo\n de/ e)sti to\ pa=sin e)feto/n. a)gaqo\n ou)=n e)stin, ei)s o(\ pa/nta a)nh/rthtai, au)to\ de\ ei)s mhde/n.
See also
alpha 119, likewise a neuter singular.
This entry mostly reproduces
Diogenes Laertius 7.94-98 (who supposedly is quoting an extract of Stoic ethics). The Suda text contains important omissions as well as different readings (the D.L. readings are, for the most part, much better).
[1] D.L. gives
th\n pra=cin th\n kat' a)reth/n, "the action according to virtue" or simply "the virtuous action", as a gloss on a second sense in which virtue and what participates in it are called "good": that according to which being benefited results.
[2] D.L. has
o(ri/zontai, "they define", which makes clear that a new definition is being given here.
[3] This puzzling list of examples does not occur in D.L.
[4] The text given by Suda is misleading; D.L. gives
a)gaqw=n mikta/, "mixed goods", instead of
a)gaqw=n mikra/, "little goods".
[5] cf.
Topica 1094a2-3, with Alexander of
Aphrodisias's commentary 93.8.
Enneads 1.7.1, 21-22 (identified by Henry [below] 157 n.2, as noted in Adler's addenda).
J. Annas, The Morality of Happiness (Oxford: Oxford University Press) 1993
Henry, P. "Suidas, Le Larousse et le Littré de l'antiquité grecque." Les Études classiques (1937): 155-62
Keywords: children; daily life; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; ethics; philosophy
Translated by: Marcelo Boeri on 26 May 2000@18:40:04.
Vetted by:
Adler number: alpha,119
Translated headword: good
Vetting Status: high
Translation: The word has multiple meanings.[1]
Predicated of the good are the 10 genera, that is to say the 10 categories.[2]
"To produce, since some things are [understood as] good because [of being] productive. For what is productive of the good is said to be good, such as what is productive of health, or pleasure and, in general, what is beneficial. Certainly, the good in food, insofar as it is productive of a good, is a good. And the productive is in the category of quality; indeed quality sometimes exists in the soul, for when we predicate of the soul the good and say that it is good, we are signifying that the soul has a certain quality. For instance, that it is temperate, brave, just. And the qualifications are the presence of quality. So also in the case of a human being. For when we predicate of man the good, we are signifying the fact that he has a certain quality; for example, that he is temperate, brave, just, prudent. Sometimes the good signifies "when"; for that which happens at the appropriate time is said to be good. And the good also signifies quantity, for that which is moderate, neither exceeding nor falling short,[3] will be a quantity, insofar as it is said to be something of such a magnitude. And qua substance, what [is] the good? [Something] like a god, [or] intellect. And the good also is said to be something relative, for 'that which is in measure' is good in this way. And there is good in 'being affected', such as receiving a medical treatment or being taught; and there is also some good in the domain of the 'where', such as 'to be in Greece', 'to be in wholesome regions', 'to be in calm or in peace'. And there would be also a good in 'being in a certain position'; for instance, when it is useful for someone to be seated, he sits, and when it is useful for someone to be lying down, he lies down: for the person who has a fever, for the sake of argument."[4]
Greek Original:*)agaqo/n: o(mw/numo/s e)sti fwnh/. kathgorei=tai de\ ta\ i# ge/nh tou= a)gaqou=, toute/stin ai( i# kathgori/ai. kai\ to\ me\n poiei=n, e)pei/ e)sti/ tina a)gaqa\ w(s poihtika/, le/getai ga\r to\ a)gaqou= poihtiko\n a)gaqo/n, oi(=on to\ u(giei/as poihtiko\n h)\ h(donh=s kai\ o(/lws w)fe/limon, to\ ga\r e)n tw=| e)de/smati a)gaqo\n w(s poihtiko\n a)gaqou= a)gaqo/n: to\ de\ poihtiko\n u(po\ th\n tou= poiou= kathgori/an. pote\ de\ to\ poio\n e)pi\ yuxh=s: o(/tan ga\r kathgorh/swmen to\ a)gaqo\n yuxh=s le/gontes au)th\n a)gaqh\n, to\ poia\n au)th\n ei)=nai shmai/nomen, oi(=on sw/frona h)\ a)ndrei/an h)\ dikai/an: poio/thtos de\ parousi/a ta\ poia/. o(moi/ws kai\ a)nqrw/pou: o(/tan ga\r to\ a)gaqo\n kathgorh/swmen, to\ poio\n au)to\n ei)=nai shmai/nomen: oi(=on sw/frona, a)ndrei=on, di/kaion, fro/nimon. e)ni/ote de\ to\ a)gaqo\n to\ pote\ shmai/nei: to\ ga\r e)n tw=| prosh/konti kairw=| geno/menon a)gaqo\n le/getai. shmai/nei de\ a)gaqo\n kai\ to\ poso/n: to\ ga\r me/trion kai\ mh\ u(perba/llon mh/te e)nde/on ei)/h a)\n poso\n, kaqo/son tosou=to/n ti le/getai. kai\ w(s ou)si/a ti\ a)gaqo/n: w(s qeo\s, nou=s. le/getai de\ kai\ w(s pro/s ti: to\ ga\r su/mmetron ou(/tws a)gaqo/n. kai\ e)n tw=| pa/sxein, w(s to\ qerapeu/esqai kai\ dida/skesqai. e)/sti ti tou= a)gaqou= kai\ e)n tw=| pou=, oi(=on to\ e)n *(ella/di ei)=nai, to\ e)n u(gieinoi=s xwri/ois ei)=nai, to\ e)n h(suxi/an e)/xousin h)\ ei)rh/nhn. ei)/h d' a)\n kai\ e)n tw=| kei=sqai, o(/tan w(=| me\n lusitele\s to\ kaqe/zesqai, kaqe/zhtai, w(=| de\ to\ a)nakei=sqai, a)na/keitai: tw=| pure/ttonti fe/re ei)pei=n.
See already
alpha 118, also a neuter singular.
After the two short opening sentences, the entry draws on Alexander of
Commentary on Aristotle's Topics 105.25-106.14 Wallies (on
Topica 107a3ff).
[1] On
o(mw/numos ('homonymous'), see
Categories 1a1; cf.
omicron 299.
[2] See
Categories 1b25-2a10 and
Nicomachean Ethics (1096a24-29) (web address 1).
[3] The famous Doctrine of the Mean; cf.
Nicomachean Ethics (1106a25-b28) (web address 2).
[4] See also Van Ophuijsen (113-114).
J.M. Van Ophuijsen, Alexander of Aphrodisias: On Aristotle’s Topics 1, (Ithaca, NY 2001)
Associated internet addresses:
Web address 1,
Web address 2
Keywords: definition; ethics; medicine; philosophy
Translated by: Marcelo Boeri on 24 May 2000@16:46:08.
Vetted by:William Hutton (Modified translation, added keyword, set status) on 8 June 2001@11:39:09.
Catharine Roth (cosmetics, reference) on 25 April 2002@13:43:53.
David Whitehead (added note; cosmetics) on 16 January 2003@05:54:20.
David Whitehead (another keyword) on 12 October 2005@08:00:58.
David Whitehead (tweaks) on 22 December 2011@06:49:37.
David Whitehead on 22 December 2011@06:50:01.
Ronald Allen (typos in translation) on 22 July 2023@15:25:33.
Ronald Allen (inserted note, added cross-reference, added link) on 23 July 2023@12:49:22.
Ronald Allen (added notes, added bibliography, cosmetics) on 23 July 2023@18:18:54.
Ronald Allen (coding; augmented n.3, added link) on 23 July 2023@20:20:08.
Ronald Allen (my typo bibliography) on 29 November 2023@11:22:07.
Catharine Roth (tweaked translation) on 5 December 2023@12:41:43.
Adler number: alpha,122
Translated headword: of the Good Spirit
Vetting Status: high
Translation: The ancients had a custom after dinner of drinking 'of the Good Spirit', by taking an extra quaff of unmixed [wine]; and they call this 'of the Good Spirit',[1] but when they are ready to depart, 'of Zeus the Savior'. And this is what they called the second [day] of the month.[2] But there was also in
Thebes a hero-shrine of the Good Spirit.
But others say that the first drinking vessel was called this.[3]
Aristotle composed a book
On the Good in which he delineated the unwritten doctrines of
Aristotle mentions the composition in the first [book] of
On the Soul, calling it
On Philosophy.[4]
Greek Original:*)agaqou= *dai/monos: e)/qos ei)=xon oi( palaioi\ meta\ to\ dei=pnon pi/nein *)agaqou= *dai/monos, e)pirrofou=ntes a)/kraton, kai\ tou=to le/gein *)agaqou= *dai/monos, xwri/zesqai de\ me/llontes, *dio\s *swth=ros. kai\ h(me/ran de\ th\n deute/ran tou= mhno\s ou(/tws e)ka/loun. kai\ e)n *qh/bais de\ h)=n h(rw=|on *)agaqou= *dai/monos. a)/lloi de/ fasi to\ prw=ton poth/rion ou(/tw le/gesqai. o(/ti peri\ ta)gaqou= bibli/on sunta/cas *)aristote/lhs, ta\s a)gra/fous tou= *pla/twnos do/cas e)n au)tw=| katata/ttei. kai\ me/mnhtai tou= sunta/gmatos *)aristote/lhs e)n tw=| prw/tw| peri\ yuxh=s, e)ponoma/zwn au)to\ peri\ filosofi/as.
The first paragraph here is paralleled (in general terms) in
Photius and other lexica, and also in the
scholia to
Peace 300, where this genitive-case phrase occurs.
See also
alpha 966.
[1] cf.
Deipnosophists 15.675B-C (15.17 Kaibel), where the G.S. is equated, not necessarily correctly, with Dionysos.
[2] cf.
Hesychius s.v., and see generally J.D. Mikalson,
The Sacred and Civil Calendar of the Athenian Year (Princeton 1975) 15 for this and other evidence and modern discussion (not confined to
[3] From
alpha 966.
de anima 404b19; cf. Alexander of
Aphrodisias, Commentaries on
Aristotle's Topics 75.32-35.
Keywords: comedy; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; ethics; food; geography; philosophy; religion
Translated by: William Hutton on 1 April 2001@00:18:44.
Vetted by:David Whitehead (added notes; cosmetics) on 25 April 2002@03:46:05.
David Whitehead (augmented notes and keywords; tweaks and cosmetics) on 22 December 2011@07:23:37.
Adler number: alpha,124
Translated headword: Agathon
Vetting Status: high
Translation: A proper name. He was a tragic poet; but he was slandered for effeminacy.
Aristophanes [writes]:[1] "Where is
Agathon?" -- "He's gone and left me." -- "Where on earth is the wretch?" -- "At a banquet of the blessed." This
Agathon was good by nature, "missed by his friends" and brilliant at the dinner table. They say also that the
Symposium of
Plato was set at a dinner party of his, with many philosophers introduced all together. A comic poet [
sic] of the school of Socrates. He was lampooned in comedy for womanliness.
Greek Original:*)aga/qwn: o)/noma ku/rion. tragiko\s de\ h)=n: diebe/blhto de\ e)pi\ malaki/a|. *)aristofa/nhs: *)aga/qwn de\ pou= 'stin; a)polipw/n m' oi)/xetai. poi= gh=s o( tlh/mwn; e)s maka/rwn eu)wxi/an. ou(=tos o( *)aga/qwn a)gaqo\s h)=n to\n tro/pon, poqeino\s toi=s fi/lois kai\ th\n tra/pezan lampro/s. fasi\ de\ o(/ti kai\ *pla/twnos *sumpo/sion e)n e(stia/sei au)tou= ge/graptai, pollw=n a(/ma filoso/fwn paraxqe/ntwn. kwmw|diopoio\s *swkra/tous didaskalei/ou. e)kwmw|dei=to de\ ei)s qhlu/thta.
C5 BCE; OCD(4) s.v. (pp.37-7); TrGF 39. See also under
alpha 125.
Frogs 83-85 (web address 1), with scholion; dialogue between Herakles and Dionysos. The phrase "missed by his friends", which the lexicographer uses below, is from the same source.
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: biography; comedy; definition; ethics; food; gender and sexuality; philosophy; poetry; tragedy; women
Translated by: William Hutton on 1 April 2001@00:48:08.
Vetted by:
Adler number: alpha,136
Translated headword: image-bearing, image-carrying, enshrined as an image
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] carrying in one's mind images or impressions of things that one has thought of.
Philo [sc. uses the term] this way.[1]
Greek Original:*)agalmatoforou/menos: a)ga/lmata h)/toi tu/pous tw=n nohqe/ntwn fe/rwn e)n e(autw=|. ou(/tws *fi/lwn.
Same entry in
Photius (
Lexicon alpha91 Theodoridis) and elsewhere. The headword is present middle/passive participle, masculine nominative singular, of the verb
[1] Although the gloss has already defined the headword participle as though it were active,
Philo Judaeus [see
phi 448, and generally OCD(4) pp.1134-5] uniformly uses it in a passive sense, i.e. "enshrined". Adler and Theodoridis both cite
De vita Mosis 1.27; see also
De mutatione nominum 21; and cf.
De somnis 1.32,
De vita Mosis 2.11, 2.209.
Keywords: definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; imagery; philosophy
Translated by: William Hutton on 1 April 1999@12:37:13.
Vetted by:
Adler number: alpha,141
Translated headword: admiring, wondering at, marveling at
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning someone] being amazed at.[1]
"Admiring this man for his high spirits they let him ride on the horse."[2]
Greek Original:*)aga/menos: qauma/zwn. a)ga/menoi tou=ton th=s eu)yuxi/as e)poxou=si tw=| i(/ppw|.
The headword is present participle, masculine nominative singular, of
a)/gamai. Same or similar glossing in other lexica (references at
Photius alpha99 Theodoridis). The headword is evidently quoted from somewhere (other than the quotation given here, which has the corresponding plural); extant possibilities begin with
Xenophon and
[1] cf.
alpha 138.
[2] Theophylact Simocatta,
Histories 2.6.4.
Keywords: biography; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; ethics; historiography; history; philosophy; zoology
Translated by: William Hutton on 28 March 2000@00:49:02.
Vetted by:
Adler number: alpha,150
Translated headword: to love, to receive favorably, to be content with.
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] to give a favorable reception [to someone/something].
[*)agapa=n] to love: to be satisfied with something and to seek nothing more.
Hence also the [phrase] "I would love [it/you if]...".[1]
Greek Original:*)agapa=n: a)pode/xesqai. *)agapa=n: to\ a)rkei=sqai/ tini kai\ mhde\n ple/on e)pizhtei=n. e)c ou(= kai\ to\ a)gapw/|hn a)/n.
The main part of this entry is also in
Lexicon (as two consecutive ones: alpha118-119 Theodoridis) and elsewhere.
[1] (A marginal addition in ms A.) An expression meaning "please...". There are classical Attic instances in
Plato (
Meno 75C) and
Isocrates (
Letters 6.6); and see generally LSJ s.v.
a)gapa/w, III.1.
Keywords: definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; ethics; philosophy; rhetoric
Translated by: William Hutton on 1 April 2000@09:04:30.
Vetted by:
Adler number: alpha,153
Translated headword: desirable habits
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] the fine and good ones.
Greek Original:*)agaphta\ h)/qh: ta\ kala\ kai\ a)gaqa/.
Same entry in
Lexicon alpha120 Theodoridis, and elsewhere. The headword phrase, in the neuter plural, occurs in
Memorabilia 3.10.5 (web address 1 below).
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; ethics; philosophy
Translated by: William Hutton on 1 April 2000@09:16:55.
Vetted by:
Adler number: alpha,157
Translated headword: Agapios, Agapius
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Athenian philosopher, after the death of
Proclus,[1] under
Marinus.[2] He was admired for his love of learning and for his setting of dilemmas that were hard to solve.[3]
Greek Original:*)aga/pios: *)aqhnai=os filo/sofos, meta\ *pro/klon a)poixo/menon, u(po\ *mari/nw|. o(\s e)qauma/zeto e)pi\ filomaqei/a| kai\ a)poriw=n probolh=| dusepibo/lwn.
Keywords: biography; chronology; ethics; geography; philosophy
Translated by: William Hutton on 9 April 2000@22:48:07.
Vetted by:
Adler number: alpha,158
Translated headword: Agapios, Agapius
Vetting Status: high
Translation: This man was an Alexandrian by birth; raised from childhood amidst cultured discourse, he became a commentator on medical teachings and went to
Byzantium where he established a very distinguished school. Relying on the magnitude of his talent and the favor of fortune, he became celebrated for his skill and amassed large amounts of money.
Greek Original:*)aga/pios: ou(=tos h)=n *)alecandreu\s me\n to\ ge/nos: e)k pai/dwn de\ lo/gois e)ntrafei\s e)leuqeri/ois kai\ i)atrikw=n maqhma/twn e)chghth\s gegonw\s a)nelqw\n e)s to\ *buza/ntion diatribh/n te suneph/cato ma/la diapreph=, fu/sew/s te mege/qei kai\ decio/thti tu/xhs xrhsa/menos, e)/ndoco/s te e)pi\ th=| te/xnh| ge/gone kai\ xrh/mata mega/la sunei/loxen.
Life of Isidore fr. 330 Zintzen (298 Asmus, 107 Athanassiadi).
Keywords: biography; children; economics; ethics; geography; medicine; philosophy
Translated by: William Hutton on 9 April 2000@23:07:39.
Vetted by:
Adler number: alpha,159
Translated headword: I would love; if you please
Vetting Status: high
Translation: In the optative.
Greek Original:*)agapw/|hn: eu)ktikw=s.
Likewise, according to Adler, in the
Ambrosian Lexicon (338). The headword itself must be quoted from somewhere: perhaps
Republic 473B (a passage quoted by
See also
alpha 160 (and under
alpha 150).
Keywords: dialects, grammar, and etymology; philosophy
Translated by: William Hutton on 9 April 2000@23:11:59.
Vetted by:
Adler number: alpha,173
Translated headword: admirable
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] wondrous.
Greek Original:*)agasto/s: qaumasto/s.
Likewise or similarly in other lexica; references at
Photius alpha129 Theodoridis. (Latte on
Hesychius s.v. claims the headword as quoted from
Hecuba 169, but there are alternatives in
Plato and elsewhere.)
See further under
alpha 174.
Keywords: definition; ethics; philosophy; tragedy
Translated by: Gregory Hays on 4 June 1999@14:48:46.
Vetted by:
Adler number: alpha,180
Translated headword: hey there
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] come now, you there, over here.[1]
And [there is] an epigram addressed to
Diogenes the Cynic: "' Hey,
Diogenes, tell [us], what fate took you to Hades?' 'A dog's bite took me'".[2]
But the epigram [sc. illustrates the idiom] in short form.
Greek Original:*)/age dh=ta: fe/re, ko/mize, deu=ro. kai\ e)pi/gramma ei)s *dioge/nhn to\n *ku/na: *dio/genes, a)/ge, le/ge, ti/s e)/labe/ se mo/ros e)s *)/ai+dos; e)/labe/ me kuno\s o)da/c. to\ de\ e)pi/gramma dia\ braxe/wn.
[1] Likewise in other lexica; references at
Photius alpha135 Theodoridis.
Diogenes Laertius 6.79 =
Greek Anthology 7.116; cf. again
delta 1141,
omicron 28. The original reads "a dog's savage bite" (
kuno\s a)/grion o)da/c).
Keywords: biography; definition; philosophy; poetry; zoology
Translated by: Gregory Hays on 7 June 1999@11:32:12.
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