Suda On Line
Search results for mu,770 in Adler number:
Adler number: mu,770
Translated headword: raised up, lofty; agitated
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] on high.[1] "For the spear-bearers lifting Syphax on high carried him into what is called the Thirty-foot, throwing [him] down."[2]
Josephus [writes]: "[that] it is better to leave the guilty one agitated by fear"[3]
Greek Original:*mete/wron: e)f' u(/yous. oi( ga\r dorufo/roi mete/wron a)ra/menoi to\n *su/faka ei)s to\n *triakonto/poda kalou/menon e)ko/misan, r(i/yantes ka/tw. *)iw/shpos: a)/meinon d' ei)=nai mete/wron e)n fo/bw| to\n ai)/tion katalei/pein.
[1] cf. scholion on
Iliad 8.26. For the headword adjective (here in the masculine accusative singular, from the quotation given) see also
mu 764,
mu 772,
mu 773,
mu 774,
mu 788.
Aelian fr. 67b Domingo-Forasté (64 Hercher); cf.
tau 940 (and with the name correct there: Syrphax) For Syrphax of
Ephesus, 334 BCE, see Arrian,
Anabasis 1.17.9-12. Richard Porson (1759-1808) favored emending the Suda's reading here to
*su/rfaka. See also
alpha 1330,
upsilon 639.
Jewish War 4.118 (web address 1).
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: biography; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; epic; ethics; historiography; history; imagery; military affairs
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 28 January 2006@01:23:04.
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