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Search results for mu,772 in Adler number:
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Headword: *mete/wros
Adler number: mu,772
Translated headword: raised-up, stirred-up
Vetting Status: high
[Meaning] one who is already prepared for some activity.[1]
"As the cities were stirred-up for rebellion, [he] attacked [them]."[2]
And elsewhere: "having long been stirred-up for the sight of Olympia, [Aemilius] set out."[3]
And Josephus [writes]: "[he] annoyed the many, who were [sc. already] stirred-up for the coming war."[4]
"They were stirred-up in their souls and still vacillating in regard to the future."[5]
And elsewhere: "he was stirred-up for every innovation; for this reason he also listened willingly to those who were summoned."[6]
"Hellas was raised-up." [The phrase occurs] in Thucydides. Meaning they had been agitated and were not keeping quiet.[7]
Greek Original:
*mete/wros: o( h)/dh pro\s pra=ci/n tina hu)trepisme/nos. meth=lqe ta\s po/leis metew/rous pro\s a)po/stasin ou)/sas. kai\ au)=qis: pa/lai mete/wros w)\n pro\s th\n th=s *)olumpi/as qe/an w(/rmhse. kai\ *)iw/shpos: metew/rous o)/ntas e)pi\ tw=| me/llonti pole/mw| tou\s pollou\s e)spa/rassen. h)=san de\ mete/wroi tai=s yuxai=s kai\ pro\s to\ me/llon e)/ti saleu/ontes. kai\ au)=qis: o( de\ mete/wros h)=n pro\s pa=san kainotomi/an: dio\ kai\ proqu/mws u(ph/kouse toi=s parakaloume/nois. mete/wros h)=n h( *(ella/s. para\ *qoukudi/dh|. a)nti\ tou= e)keki/nhnto kai\ ou)x h(su/xazon.
For the headword adjective, see also mu 764, mu 770, mu 773, mu 774, mu 788.
[1] No equivalent entry in other lexica.
[2] Quotation unidentifiable.
[3] Polybius 30.10.5: web address 1.
[4] Josephus, Jewish War 2.589 (web address 2); cf. epsilon 3179.
[5] cf. mu 774, epsilon 3116.
[6] Quotation unidentifiable.
[7] Thucydides 2.8.1 (web address 3), with scholion, on the opening mood of the Peloponnesian War.
Associated internet addresses:
Web address 1,
Web address 2,
Web address 3
Keywords: biography; definition; ethics; geography; historiography; history; imagery; military affairs
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 31 January 2006@01:35:03.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (augmented notes; cosmetics) on 31 January 2006@03:07:12.
David Whitehead (another note; more keywords; tweaking) on 20 May 2013@04:00:18.
Catharine Roth (upgraded links) on 23 May 2013@01:30:51.
Catharine Roth (tweaked links) on 21 August 2020@19:53:27.


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