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Headword: *ba/kis
Adler number: beta,47
Translated headword: Bakis, Bacis
Vetting Status: high
An epithet of Peisistratos.[1]
[Bakis] was a chresmologue.[2] But Philetas of Ephesos[3] says that there were three Bakises: the one from Eleon in Boiotia, the Athenian, and the Arkadian from the city of Kaphye[4] -- the one also called Kydas and Aletes.[5] Theopompos in [book] 9 of Philippika has many extraordinary stories about this Bakis, including the fact that on one occasion he purified the mad womenfolk of the Spartans -- Apollo having given him to them as purifier.[6]
Greek Original:
*ba/kis: e)pi/qeton *peisistra/tou. h)=n de\ xrhsmolo/gos. *filh/tas de\ o( *)efe/sio/s fhsi trei=s *ba/kidas: o( me\n e)c *)elew=nos th=s *boiwti/as, o( de\ *)aqhnai=os, o( de\ *)arka\s e)k po/lews *kafu/hs, o(\s kai\ *ku/das e)kalei=to kai\ *)alh/ths. *qeo/pompos de\ e)n th=| q# tw=n *filippikw=n a)/lla te polla\ peri\ tou/tou tou= *ba/kidos i(storei= para/doca, kai\ o(/ti pote\ tw=n *lakedaimoni/wn ta\s gunai=kas manei/sas e)ka/qhren, *)apo/llwnos tou/tois tou=ton kaqarth\n do/ntos.
On Bakis see generally OCD(4) p.221 (under "Bacis"); it notes that his oracles were mentioned from Herodotus onwards and that "[t]o cope with the mass of oracles from manifestly different dates, later authors assumed several Bacides".
[1] Likewise, according to Adler, in the Ambrosian Lexicon. This must be P. the C6-BCE tyrant of Athens (pi 1474). The precise import of his nickname is not obvious from this bare reference to it, but Herodotus 5.90.2 mentions that the Peisistratids had kept an oracle-collection on the Acropolis (which the invading Spartans who expelled the family in 510 took away with them).
[2] A word of several related meanings all to do with oracles: -collector, -speaker, -expounder.
[3] Cross-referenced at phi 333 but otherwise unknown.
[4] More exactly Kaphyai; see kappa 1149.
[5] cf. kappa 2607.
[6] Theopompus FGrH 115 F77. This whole paragraph of the entry comes from the scholia to Aristophanes, Peace 1071; cf. kappa 40, and see generally R. Parker, Miasma (Oxford 1983) 20.
J. Fontenrose, The Delphic Oracle (Berkeley & Los Angeles 1978), ch. 5
Keywords: biography; geography; historiography; history; medicine; religion; women
Translated by: David Whitehead on 7 August 2001@04:39:40.
Vetted by:
Catharine Roth (set status) on 17 January 2002@13:50:26.
David Whitehead (augmented note and keywords) on 17 September 2002@06:02:59.
Elizabeth Vandiver (Added italics; cosmetics) on 20 January 2006@19:46:04.
David Whitehead (tweaking) on 18 May 2012@06:01:33.
David Whitehead on 1 August 2014@05:20:05.
David Whitehead on 15 September 2015@03:56:07.


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