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Headword: Xenophôn
Adler number: xi,48
Translated headword: Xenophon
Vetting Status: high
A pupil of Socrates,[1] he campaigned against the Persians when he went up with Cyrus against his brother Artaxerxes. Cyrus had been set up by his father Darius as viceroy of Asia after Tissaphernes. After Darius' death, Artaxerxes was reluctant to kill Cyrus, who had been slandered by Tissaphernes, and released him when his mother Parysatis interceded for him and preserved his army for him.[2] To make war on Tissaphernes, he assembled a force and determined to campaign against his brother. 400 left Cyrus,[3] and out of the members of the expedition 3500 hoplites and dependents fled. Xenophon went up with them. So he assembled 100,000 barbarians and journeyed against the Pisidians. When he passed through the tribes against which he was pretending to campaign, the Greeks understood that the army was [sc. being sent] against the king, and they shrank from the march up-country. But when Clearchus said that retreat was impossible if Cyrus did not take part, they went together.[4] Cyrus died battling bare-headed against Tissaphernes even though Clearchus had advised him not to fight. The Greeks under Clearchus' command chose Ariaeus as king,[5] but he declined. King [Artaxerxes] then cut off Cyrus' head and hand, and sent to the Greeks, requesting their weapons as if they had been vanquished, but they did not hand them over.[6] Deceitfully Tissaphernes violates his oaths and betrays to the king the Greeks, including Clearchus and Meno, whom he kills.[7] And Xenophon takes command of them and defeats everyone. Ten thousand who survived went to Thrace and hired themselves out to king Seuthes.[8]
Greek Original:
Xenophôn, Sôkratous mathêtês, estrateusato epi Persas Kurôi sunanelthôn epi ton adelphon Artaxerxên. ho Kuros de ên meta Tissaphernên huparchos hupo Dareiou tou patros tôn en têi Asiai katastas. meta de ton Dareiou thanaton Kuron Artaxerxês diablêthenta hupo Tissaphernous anairein mellôn aphêke, Parusatidos tês mêtros paraitêsamenês auton kai tên stratian autôi phulaxasês. ho de hôs Tissaphernei polemôn êthroise dunamin kai epi ton adelphon egnô strateuein. u# de katelipon ton Kuron kai ephugon ek tôn sustrateusantôn hoplitai kai peltastai #22gph#. Xenophôn de sunanebê. deka oun barbarôn muriadas sunathroisas hôs epi Pisidas dêthen eporeueto. hôs de ta ethnê diêlthen, eph' ha strateuein proephasizeto, sunentes hoi Hellênes epi basilea einai tên strateian ôknoun tên anabasin. Klearchou de eipontos tên hupostrophên aporon einai, Kurou mê sunairomenou, sunêiesan. Kuros de gumnêi têi kephalêi pros Tissaphernên machomenos, kaitoi Klearchou apagoreuontos autôi mê polemein, apethanen. hoi de Hellênes hupo Klearchôi tetagmenoi Ariaion proeballonto basilea heautôn, ho de parêitêsato. basileus de tên tou Kurou kephalên kai tên cheira apokopsas tois Hellêsin epempe, zêtôn ta hopla hôs para nenikêmenôn: hoi de ouk edosan. dolôi de Tissaphernês parabas tous horkous prodidôsi basilei tous Hellênas kai Klearchon kai Menôna, hous anairei. kai Xenophôn autôn stratêgei kai pantas nikai. elthontes de eis Thraikên emisthôsan heautous Seuthêi tôi basilei murioi diasôthentes.
For Xenophon see already xi 47. The source of the present entry's material is unknown (though Adler believed it was the same as that of xi 54, q.v.).
[1] Socrates: sigma 829.
[2] Perhaps 'satrapy' rather than 'army': see again pi 504.
[3] In order to make this tally better with the information provided by Xenophon himself, K. Muenscher, Xenophon in der griechisch-römischen Literatur (Leipzig 1920) 221-2 proposed a textual supplement here: "400 left [the king and went to] Cyrus". Adler (following S. Lindstam, Eranos 24 (1926) 121-2) rejected this; but it has recently been revived by Sarah B. Pomeroy, Xenophon, Oeconomicus: a social and historical commentary (Oxford 1994) 250-1.
[4] See again omega 51.
[5] Cyrus's second-in-command at Kounaxa (Xenophon, Anabasis 1.8.5).
[6] No object noun is explicit with e)/pempe. The original translation of this entry gave one, 'them', i.e. Cyrus' head and (right) hand -- which were indeed cut off (Xenophon, Anabasis 1.10.1; Ctesias FGrH 699 F16.64, Photius' summary; Plutarch, Artaxerxes 13.2) and perhaps impaled (Anabasis 3.1.17, in a speech of Xenophon himself). However, Prof. Tim Rood, who supplied these references, suggests (to DW) that for Artaxerxes to have sent Cyrus' body-parts to the Greeks, along with his demands, would have been unlikely behaviour on his part -- giving away such a prized possession to his enemies. (Contrast Polyaenus 7.16.1, where it is to his mother Parysatis that he sends the head of the hated Tissaphernes.) The revised translation takes account of this point. (Parallels for e)/pempe ... zhtw=n, with envoys or suchlike as tacit object, are numerous: see e.g. Herodotus 3.44.2, e)/pempe ... dehso/menos; Thucydides 7.8.1, e)/pempe ... a)gge/llwn; Xenophon, Hellenica 5.2.38, e)/pempe ... dida/skwn; and cf. generally LSJ s.v. pe/mpw, I.4.
[7] Xenophon, Anabasis 2.5-6 has a full account of this, including obituaries of all five (sic) generals.
[8] sigma 270.
Keywords: biography; ethics; geography; historiography; history; military affairs; philosophy; religion; women
Translated by: James L. P. Butrica ✝ on 15 February 2000@12:15:01.
Vetted by:
Joseph L. Rife (added keywords) on 12 September 2000@02:06:12.
David Whitehead (added notes and keywords; minor cosmetics) on 5 April 2001@05:11:20.
David Whitehead (augmented notes and keywords; tweaks and cosmetics) on 30 August 2007@06:12:48.
David Whitehead (more keywords) on 19 June 2013@03:24:36.
David Whitehead (expanded n.2) on 3 April 2014@04:36:27.
David Whitehead (tweaks to tr; more notes) on 14 March 2016@06:17:44.
Catharine Roth (cosmeticule) on 14 March 2016@23:12:38.
David Whitehead (another tweak to tr; further expansion of a note) on 24 March 2016@04:57:56.


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