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Headword: *tibe/rios
Adler number: tau,552
Translated headword: Tiberius
Vetting Status: high
Emperor of [the] Romans. This man behaved like a private citizen; for he pretended not to want anything that he did want and did not wish to say anything that he said, and, making arguments completely contrary to his preference, he denied everything he desired and spoke for everything he hated. The officials who excessively excited [the people] he chastised, when he said: "I want to shear my sheep, not shave them."[1] And he was so fair that once, when he wanted to free a certain dancer, he did not recommend this, until the man's master had decided also to accept compensation. For he acted the part of a private citizen with his friends and contended along with them, without bringing along an armed guard. And he ordered that no one wear silken clothes. But suddenly he made a change to a worse attitude, with the result that he was thought to have lost his wits. And he said this old saying: "when I am dead let the earth be consumed by fire!"[2] And he called Priam blessed because he had perished along with his country and kingdom.[3]
Greek Original:
*tibe/rios, basileu\s *(rwmai/wn. ou(=tos i)diwta/th| fu/sei e)ke/xrhto: ou)/te ga\r w(=n e)pequ/mei prosepoiei=to/ ti kai\ w(=n e)/legen ou)deno\s ei)pei=n e)bou/leto: a)ll' e)nantiwta/tous th=| proaire/sei tou\s logismou\s poiou/menos, pa=n o(\ e)po/qei h)rnei=to kai\ pa=n o(\ e)mi/sei proseti/qeto. tou\s perissa\ e)pai/rontas a)/rxontas e)ko/laze, le/gwn, kei/resqai/ mou ta\ pro/bata, a)ll' ou) cura=sqai bou/lomai. ou(/tw de\ h)=n i)/sos, w(/ste o)rxhsth/n tina pote\ e)leuqerwqh=nai boulhqe/nta, mh\ pro/teron sunepaine/sai, pri\n to\n despo/thn au)tou= peisqh=nai kai\ th\n timh\n labei=n. toi=s ga\r e(tai/rois e)n i)diwtei/a| h)=n kai\ sunhgwni/zeto, froura\n mh\ e)pago/menos. kai\ parh/ggeile shrikh=| e)sqh=ti mh\ xrh=sqai/ tina. ai)fnidi/ws de\ ei)s th\n xei/rona gnw/mhn metete/qh, w(/ste parafronei=n nomisqh=nai. tou=to de\ to\ a)rxai=on e)fqe/gcato: e)mou= qano/ntos gai=a mixqh/tw puri/. kai\ to\n *pri/amon e)maka/rizen, o(/ti meta\ th=s patri/dos kai\ th=s basilei/as a)pw/leto.
For Tiberius, adopted son of Augustus and second Roman emperor (AD 14-37), see already tau 551 and the general note there. De Imperatoribus Romanis entry (Garrett Fagan) at web address 1.
[1] This saying (originally in Suetonius' Life of Tiberius) became proverbial: see Tosi [cited under alpha 378] no.1479.
[2] Tragica adespota fr.513, so frequently quoted that, again, it did attain proverbial stature (Appendix Proverbiorum 2.56). See generally Tosi no.1038.
[3] For Priam, king of Troy, see generally pi 2274. (In a lost part of the Epic Cycle he was killed, during Troy's fall, by Achilles' son Neoptolemos.)
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: biography; clothing; daily life; economics; epic; ethics; historiography; history; imagery; mythology; proverbs; tragedy; zoology
Translated by: Abram Ring on 15 March 2004@17:06:12.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (augmented notes and keywords; cosmetics) on 16 March 2004@03:43:49.
David Whitehead (augmented n.2) on 16 March 2004@09:09:16.
Catharine Roth (typo) on 24 May 2004@14:03:31.
David Whitehead (more keywords) on 5 December 2005@10:20:17.
David Whitehead (expanded n.1) on 16 August 2012@09:28:41.
David Whitehead (another note) on 17 August 2012@04:35:21.
Catharine Roth (expanded note) on 13 August 2013@22:08:28.
David Whitehead (more keywords; cosmetics; raised status) on 13 January 2014@04:53:58.
David Whitehead (codings) on 28 May 2016@06:12:36.


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