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Search results for tau,344 in Adler number:
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Headword: *terqrei/a
Adler number: tau,344
Translated headword: hair-splitting, quibbling
Vetting Status: high
[Meaning] verbal pedantry; for there is a particular light rope on ships, which is called a terthron. Some say that [terthra are] the upper holes of the mechanism on the mast, from which hangs the mast's yardarm; but others say that terthreia is waffling. Also [sc. people refer to] the so-called battle in the two parts. But[1] some [say] that it was customary for the ephebes, after they had become border-patrollers of the territory, to go on campaign, if a war occurred, but not with the others; instead, in 'parts' not exposed to the dangers of the battle. Hence the campaign [sc. of this kind] is called the one 'in the parts'.[2] [Terthreia] also means deceit, and meddling.
Greek Original:
*terqrei/a: h( leptologi/a: e)/sti ga/r ti sxoini/on e)n toi=s ploi/ois lepto/n, o(\ kalei=tai te/rqron. fasi\ de/ tines ta\ a)/nw trhma/tia tou= e)pi\ tw=| i(stw=| o)rga/nou, a)f' ou(= h)/rthtai tou= i(stou= h( kerai/a: a)/lloi de\ terqrei/an fasi\ th\n fluari/an. kai\ th\n e)n toi=s du/o me/resi kaloume/nhn ma/xhn. oi( de/, o(/ti e)/qos h)=n tou\s e)fh/bous meta\ to\ gene/sqai peripo/lous th=s xw/ras strateu/esqai me/n, ei) sumbai/h po/lemos, mh\ me/ntoi meta\ tw=n a)/llwn, a)/ll' i)di/a| e)n me/resi toi=s a)kindu/nois th=s ma/xhs. dio\ th\n stratia\n kalei=sqai th\n e)n toi=s me/resi. shmai/nei kai\ a)pa/th, kai\ periergi/a.
Same entry in Photius (tau174 Theodoridis); similar ones elsewhere.
cf. generally tau 343 (and under iota 15).
[1] A clause seems to be missing here: see Theodoridis.
[2] On ephebes (and 'border-patrollers', peripoloi) cf. epsilon 3888, epsilon 3889, epsilon 3890, pi 1259, pi 1260, pi 1261.
Keywords: aetiology; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; ethics; imagery; military affairs; rhetoric; science and technology
Translated by: David Whitehead on 24 March 2010@06:21:50.
Vetted by:
Catharine Roth (set status) on 6 April 2010@01:11:13.
David Whitehead (another x-ref) on 6 April 2010@03:19:22.
David Whitehead (augmented notes; another keyword) on 12 August 2011@08:44:10.
David Whitehead on 9 January 2014@04:45:25.


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