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Headword: *tufome/nhs
Adler number: tau,1220
Translated headword: being full of smoke, being smoked
Vetting Status: high
[Meaning] being smoked out, being set alight.[1]
"And to smoke with smoke in the manner of [sc. those seeking to control] of wasps".[2]
The verb [used is] tu/fw; from this also [comes the adjective] a)tufo/tatos ["most/very devoid of affectation"].[3]
Greek Original:
*tufome/nhs: kapnizome/nhs, kaiome/nhs. kai\ kapnw=| tu/fein di/khn sfhkw=n. to\ r(h=ma tu/fw: e)c ou(= kai\ a)tufo/tatos.
NB: this entry calls for more synonyms for smoke (noun and verb) than are readily available in English.
[1] Same or similar glossing, variously, in other lexica (and in a Lucianic scholion); and cf. tau 1211. The headword is actually feminine genitive singular -- not reflected in translation here -- of the present middle/passive participle of tu/fw (LSJ entry at web address 1). It must be quoted from somewhere -- perhaps Apollonius Rhodius, Argonautica 4.139, the only instance extant outside lexica and scholia.
[2] Quotation unidentifiable. (Adler notes Valckenaer's attribution of it to Aelian.) Possibly deriving from commentary on Homer, Iliad 9.243.
[3] (cf. ps.-Herodian 136.) This superlative is applied by Diogenes Laertius to two of his philosophical biographees: Xenocrates (4.11) and Arcesilaus (4.37). See LSJ s.v. a)/tufos at web address 2.
Associated internet addresses:
Web address 1,
Web address 2
Keywords: biography; comedy; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; epic; ethics; imagery; philosophy; poetry; science and technology; zoology
Translated by: Patrick Hogan on 28 December 2012@20:18:00.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (supplied notes; more keywords; tweaking) on 30 December 2012@05:37:14.
Catharine Roth (tweaked notes) on 6 October 2013@01:34:39.
David Whitehead on 16 January 2014@08:08:28.


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