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Search results for sigma,979 in Adler number:
Adler number: sigma,979
Translated headword: [the] Stagirite
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning]
Aristotle, [so] called from a place [where he originated].[1]
The Pisidian [writes]: "with what sort of generals or Stagirites did you invade the land of prosperous barbarians?"[2]
"Altogether he would be swallowing down the Stagirite more than the Paeanian orator [swallows down] the [son] of Oloros".[3] That is, [more than]
Demosthenes [surpasses]
Greek Original:*stageiri/ths: o( *)aristote/lhs, a)po\ to/pou klhqei/s. *pisi/dhs: poi/ous strathgou\s h)\ *stageiri/tas e)/xwn e)ph=lqes ei)s gh=n eu)tuxou/ntwn barba/rwn. dio/lou to\n *stageiri/thn katapiw\n ei)/h ma=llon, h)\ o( r(h/twr o( *paianieu\s to\n *)olw/rou. toute/stin o( *dhmosqe/nhs to\n *qoukudi/dhn.
Keywords: biography; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; geography; historiography; imagery; military affairs; philosophy; poetry; rhetoric
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 9 June 2005@00:28:44.
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