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Headword: *skhnh/. *skhnh/
Adler number: sigma,569
Translated headword: skene, stage
Vetting Status: high
A skene is the middle door of the theater. But paraskenia are the [parts] on one side and the other of the middle door. But that I may speak more accurately, immediately after the skene and the paraskenia [is] the orchestra. But this is the place which has its floor [constructed] out of planks; [it is the place] from which the mimes perform. After the orchestra there is an altar of Dionysus, which is called thumele from the [verb] qu/ein ["to sacrifice"]. But after the thumele [is] the konistra ["arena"], that is, the lower floor of the theater.[1]
Also [sc. attested is] skhnh/ths, [meaning] one [who is] on the stage.[2]
"Always for you on your shining tomb, o divine Sophocles, may the ivy of the stage leap [its] soft feet."[3]
Greek Original:
*skhnh/. *skhnh/ e)stin h( me/sh qu/ra tou= qea/trou. paraskh/nia de\ ta\ e)/nqen kai\ e)/nqen th=s me/shs qu/ras. i(/na de\ safe/steron ei)/pw, meta\ th\n skhnh\n eu)qu\s kai\ ta\ paraskh/nia h( o)rxh/stra. au(/th de\ e)/stin o( to/pos, o( e)k sani/dwn e)/xwn to\ e)/dafos: a)f' ou(= qeatri/zousin oi( mi=moi. e)/sti meta\ th\n o)rxh/stran bwmo\s tou= *dionu/sou: o(\ kalei=tai qume/lh para\ to\ qu/ein, meta\ de\ th\n qume/lhn h( koni/stra, toute/sti to\ ka/tw e)/dafos tou= qea/trou. kai\ *skhnh/ths, o( e)pi\ th=| skhnh=|. ai)ei/ toi liparw=| e)pi\ sh/mati, di=e *sofo/kleis, skhni/ths malakou\s kisso\s a(/loito po/das.
[1] Paralleled, according to Adler, in a scholion on Gregory of Nazianzus, and cf. in any event Etymologicum Magnum 743.30-39. After qume/lh, mss AM have a diagram (reproduced by Adler) of a rectangle with a small circle above it.
For paraskh/nia, see pi 436; for orchestra, omicron 672; for qume/lh, theta 555; for koni/stra, kappa 2044.
[2] (cf. ps.-Herodian 126.) According to LSJ, the preferred spelling is skhni/ths, which is the reading, Adler reports, of ms A; cf. sigma 570.
[3] Greek Anthology 7.36.1-2 (Erycius), where a)/roito "may it raise" has been changed by the Suda to a(/loito "may it leap"; cf. alpha 1421. Find another extract from this epigram at beta 453.
Keywords: architecture; botany; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; imagery; poetry; religion; stagecraft; tragedy
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 20 March 2014@00:35:37.
Vetted by:
Catharine Roth on 20 March 2014@01:38:38.
David Whitehead (tweaks and cosmetics; raised status) on 20 March 2014@04:48:22.
David Whitehead (another x-ref; another keyword) on 20 March 2014@07:03:28.
Catharine Roth (cosmeticule) on 28 February 2022@15:15:02.
Ronald Allen (added cross-references n.3) on 28 October 2022@00:41:12.


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