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Search results for sigma,231 in Adler number:
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Headword: *senna/tores
Adler number: sigma,231
Translated headword: senators
Vetting Status: high
After the death of his brother Romus,[1] Romulus recruited a number of men from the neighboring cities, picked out the 100 most senior and intelligent of these, and appointed them to deliberate about and oversee public business; and he named the man senators and councillors by dint of their age.[2] From these he picked out the ten best and named them, metaphorically from fathers, 'patricians',[3] and set them up at the head of a people's government. He also listed 300 cavalrymen and 3000 infantryman as soldiers who would garrison the city; and he divided the mass of the people into 4 tribes.
Also [sc. attested is the related term] senate, [meaning] the council-house.[4]
Greek Original:
*senna/tores: o( *(rwmu/los meta\ th\n tou= a)delfou= *(rw/mou a)nai/resin e)k tw=n perioi/kwn po/lewn a)riqmo\n a)ndrw=n e)feilku/sato kai\ tou/twn tou\s presbute/rous kai\ e)xe/fronas r# e)pileca/menos probou/lous te au)tou\s kai\ proe/drous tw=n koinw=n a)pe/fhne pragma/twn, senna/tora/s te kai\ bouleuta\s dia\ th\n h(liki/an tou\s a)/ndras o)noma/sas. e)k de\ tou/twn de/ka tou\s a)ri/stous e)pileca/menos, patriki/ous te au)tou\s e)k metafora=s tw=n pate/rwn e)ka/lese, kai\ pro\s th\n tou= dh/mou proskate/sthse dioi/khsin, t# te i(ppei=s kai\ #22g# pezou\s pro\s th\n th=s po/lews froura\n a)pegra/yato stratiw/tas: ei)s fula\s de\ d# to\ tou= dh/mou die/neime plh=qos. kai\ *senna/ton, to\ bouleuth/rion.
[1] sic: cf. rho 250.
[2] Tentatively attributed by Adler to John of Antioch; now his fr.56 Roberto. Compare Eutropius, Breviarium 1.2. For a different transliteration of senator, see sigma 452.
[3] cf. generally pi 793.
[4] Attested only here with double nu (but instances with single nu occur).
Keywords: aetiology; biography; constitution; dialects, grammar, and etymology; historiography; history; imagery; military affairs; mythology
Translated by: David Whitehead on 18 December 2002@08:25:10.
Vetted by:
Catharine Roth (added cross-reference) on 25 May 2004@00:45:42.
David Whitehead (modified translation; another x-ref) on 25 May 2004@03:02:26.
David Whitehead (another keyword) on 18 October 2005@06:53:53.
David Whitehead (augmented notes; cosmetics) on 17 August 2011@07:07:30.
David Whitehead on 23 December 2013@04:22:11.
David Whitehead on 30 January 2015@04:18:54.
Catharine Roth (expanded note) on 3 February 2022@21:35:15.


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