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Headword: *sardana/palos
Adler number: sigma,121
Translated headword: Sardanapalos, Sardanapalus
Vetting Status: high
[Sardanapalus,] king of [the] Assyrians, [born] from Ninus and Semiramis.[1] He lived in Nineveh, spending his time generally indoors in the royal palaces, keeping away from weapons and not going out to hunt, like the ancient kings, but colouring his face and making up his eyes and competing with the concubines both for beauty and for hairstyle, and acting overall with feminine disposition. And in accordance with prior orders the satraps of the other nations, when they headed the armies, showed themselves to him in front of the gates.
This man was slaughtered by Perseus; and the flatterers and the imitators of his voluptuousness and gluttony and passion wrote this on his grave, as if written by him: 'I possess only etc.'[2] But those who wrote this wrote falsely: for a dead man does not possess what he ate and drank, but all those things have vanished into stinking destruction, and he possesses only the stench of his unlawful life, which constantly pains and distresses his miserable soul, which knows in itself the very worst things [and] can remember what the wretch did, unlawfully and licentiously.
Greek Original:
*sardana/palos, *)assuri/wn basileu/s, a)po\ *ni/nou kai\ *semira/mews, oi)/khsin e)/xwn e)n *ni/nw|, e)/ndon to\ su/mpan e)n toi=s basilei/ois diatri/bwn, o(/plwn me\n ou)x a(pto/menos ou)d' e)pi\ qh/ran e)ciw/n, w(/sper oi( pa/lai basilei=s, e)gxrio/menos de\ to\ pro/swpon kai\ tou\s o)fqalmou\s u(pografo/- menos pro/s te ta\s pallaki/das a(millw/menos peri\ ka/llous kai\ e)mplokh=s to/ te su/mpan gunaikei/w| h)/qei xrw/menos. kata\ de\ ta\ pro/teron suntetagme/na e)pi\ ta\s qu/ras au)tw=| parh=san oi(/ te e)k tw=n a)/llwn e)qnw=n satra/pai, a)/gontes ta\s duna/meis. ou(=tos e)sfa/gh u(po\ *perse/ws: oi( de\ ko/lakes kai\ mimhtai\ th=s e)kei/nou filosarki/as kai\ gastrimargi/as kai\ oi)strhlasi/as e)pe/grayan w(s e)c au)tou= dh=qen e)n tw=| ta/fw| au)tou=, to/, to/ss' e)/xw kai\ ta\ e(ch=s. yeudw=s de\ oi( gegrafo/tes e)pe/grayan: ou) ga\r e)/xei o( teleuth/sas a(/per e)/fage kai\ e)/pien, a)ll' ei)s th\n dusw/dh fqora\n e)kei=na pa/nta kexw/rhken, e)/xei de\ mo/nhn tou= parano/mou bi/ou th\n dusodmi/an, h(/tis dihnekw=s th\n a)qli/an yuxh\n au)tou= a)lgu/nei kai\ a)nia=|, suneidui=an e(auth=| ta\ ka/kista, memnhme/nhn w(=n parano/mws kai\ a)kola/stws o( ta/las ei)rga/sato.
See also sigma 122. The first paragraph of the present entry comes from Nicolaus of Damascus (FGrH 90 F2). The second and longer one is a tirade from George the Monk, Chronicon 13.15 - 14.9.
[1] cf. nu 417, sigma 220.
[2] Greek Anthology 7.325 (author unknown): 'I possess only what I ate and drank and consumed as the pleasures of love, etc.'. See Tosi [cited under alpha 378] no.1638.
Keywords: biography; Christianity; clothing; daily life; ethics; food; gender and sexuality; geography; historiography; history; imagery; military affairs; proverbs; religion; women; zoology
Translated by: Francesco Ginelli on 4 November 2012@08:41:08.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (notes; more keywords; tweaks and cosmetics) on 4 November 2012@09:19:39.
Catharine Roth (cosmetics, keyword) on 4 November 2012@22:13:06.
David Whitehead (another note and keyword; tweaking) on 5 November 2012@03:05:32.
David Whitehead on 22 December 2013@05:37:04.
Catharine Roth (tweaked note) on 27 January 2022@20:58:38.


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