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Search results for pi,3259 in Adler number:
Adler number: pi,3259
Translated headword: wicker-flask
Vetting Status: high
Translation: "Since Diitrephes, with only wicker-flask wings, was chosen phylarch."[1] And elsewhere: "Diitrephes [...] has set flying", in reference to those exerting persuasion with a particular matter in view. "Diitrephes with his words has set my boy terribly flying into horse-driving". This Diitrephes was rich and in a position to keep horses; he was the first of the wicker-flask weavers to become phylarch. Having prospered, he was advising others, too, to be hipparchs.
Greek Original:*putinai=a: w(s *dii+tre/fhs ge putinai=a mo/non e)/xwn ptera\ h(|re/qh fu/larxos. kai\ au)=qis: *dii+tre/fhs a)nepte/rwken, e)pi\ tw=n a)napeiqo/ntwn e)pi/ ti pra=gma. deinw=s te/ mou to\ meira/kion o( *dii+tre/fhs le/gwn a)nepte/rwken, w(/sq' i(pphlatei=n. o( *dii+tre/fhs ou(=tos plou/sios h)=n kai\ duna/menos i(ppotrofei=n, pro/teron putinoplokw=n ge/gone fu/larxos. o(\s eu)tuxh/sas sunebou/leue kai\ a)/llois i(pparxei=n.
Keywords: biography; botany; comedy; economics; imagery; military affairs; trade and manufacture; zoology
Translated by: David Whitehead on 19 March 2010@08:52:27.
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