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Adler number: pi,3092
Translated headword: payment
Vetting Status: high
Translation: 'Payment' is used in reference to a single remittance of money.[1] "[...] he has accepted payment, or for his son who had died."[2] And again:[3] "but the one remains in the community having repaid a great amount, and the heart and manly spirit of the other are restrained since he has accepted payment."
It is also used for requital and vengeance.[4]
Sophocles [writes]: "whom the great Olympian god may cause to suffer sufferings in requital."[5]
Also [sc. attested is the phrase] "Justice the after-payer."[6]
In the
Epigrams: "no, I beg you, mistress, don't exact such a payment."[7]
Aelian [writes]: "Apollo says to the Locrians, 'they will not be relieved of the terror unless they send two maidens each year to Ilium for Athena, as payment for Cas[s]andra, until such time as you propitiate the goddess.'"[8]
Also [sc. attested is the adjective] 'payment-exacting', [referring to] the avenging Erinyes.
Sophocles [writes]: "come you swift and payment-exacting Erinyes, sink your teeth into the entire army and spare none."[9]
And elsewhere: "for all the impieties and transgressions that he committed they set upon him some Erinyes and payments and avenging spirits of those who had come to misfortune on account of him."[10]
Greek Original:*poinh/: poinh\ le/getai e)pi\ mo/nhs katabolh=s xrhma/twn. poinh/n, h)\ ou(= paido\s e)de/cato teqneiw=tos. kai\ au)=qis: a)ll' o( me\n e)n dh/mw| me/nei au)tou= po/ll' a)poti/sas: tou= de/ t' e)rhtu/etai kradi/h kai\ qumo\s a)gh/nwr, poinh\n decame/nw|. le/getai de\ kai\ h( a)nte/ktisis kai\ timwri/a. *sofoklh=s: oi(=s qeo\s me/gas *)olu/mpios poi/nima pa/qea paqei=n po/roi. kai\ *di/kh metapoi/nios. e)n *)epigramma/si: mh/, li/tomai, de/spoina, toi/hn mh\ la/mbane poinh/n. kai\ *ai)liano/s: o( *)apo/llwn fhsi\ pro\s *lokrou/s, mh\ a)\n au)toi=s to\ deino\n lwfh/sein, ei) mh\ pe/mpoien a)na\ pa=n e)/tos du/o parqe/nous e)s th\n *)/ilion th=| *)aqhna=|, *kasa/ndras poinh/n, e(/ws a)\n i(lew/shte th\n qeo/n. kai\ *poi/nimoi, ai( timwrhtikai\ *)erinnu/es. *sofoklh=s. i)/te, w)= taxei=ai poi/nimoi/ t' *)erinnu/es, geu/esqe, mh\ fei/desqe pandh/mou stratou=. kai\ au)=qis: pa/ntwn tw=n a)sebhma/twn kai\ paranomhma/twn w(=n ei)rga/sato, pare/sthsan au)tw=| tinas e)rinnu=s kai\ poina\s kai\ prostropai/ous tw=n di' e)kei=non h)tuxhko/twn.
[1] From the
scholia to
Electra 210 (quoted below: see n. 4).
Iliad 9.633.
[3] Actually a continuation of the same passage:
Iliad 9.634-6.
[4] From the
scholia to Iliad 9.633 (above); similarly elsewhere; and cf.
pi 3094.
Electra 209-10, where we find not the headword but a related adjective
poi/nima (translated here as 'in requital').
[6] This epithet of the goddess Justice (
*di/kh) is unattested elsewhere, but cf.
mu 727.
Greek Anthology 5.248.7 (Paul the Silentiary). See further excerpts from this epigram at
alpha 3742,
alpha 4419, and
alphaiota 182.
Aelian fr. 50a Domingo-Forasté (47 Hercher). The odd alternation between third and second person pronouns reflects what is in the text.
Ajax 843-4, where 'payment-exacting' is not a translation of the headword but of the same related adjective
poi/nimoi found in the earlier quotation of
Sophocles (see n. 4 above). Compare
iota 737.
Polybius 23.10.3 (in reference to Philip V of Macedon), with some modification: the subject of the sentence in
Polybius is a personified 'fortune' (
tu/xh), whereas here it is an unspecified plural 'they'. Partly already at
pi 2830.
Keywords: biography; children; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; economics; epic; ethics; gender and sexuality; geography; historiography; history; imagery; law; military affairs; mythology; poetry; religion; tragedy; women
Translated by: William Hutton on 19 August 2013@01:23:03.
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