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Search results for phi,378 in Adler number:
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Headword: *filoklh=s
Adler number: phi,378
Translated headword: Philokles, Philocles
Vetting Status: high
Son of Polypeithes; an Athenian; a tragedian who lived in the period after Euripides.[1] He used to be called Bile due to his bitterness. He wrote 100 tragedies, including these: Erigone, Nauplios, Oedipus, Oineus, Priam, Penelope, Philoktetes.
He was a nephew of the tragedian Aeschylus[2] and he had a son named Morsimos ["Fated"], the tragedian;[3] Morsimos' son was the tragedian Astydamas;[4] and his son was another Philokles, [also] a tragedian.
Greek Original:
*filoklh=s, *polupei/qous, *)aqhnai=os, tragiko/s, toi=s xro/nois meta\ *eu)ripi/dhn. e)pekalei=to de\ *xolh\ dia\ to\ pikro/n. e)/graye tragw|di/as r#, w(=n e)sti kai\ tau=ta: *)hrigo/nh, *nau/plios, *oi)di/pous, *oi)neu/s, *pri/amos, *phnelo/ph, *filokth/ths. *ai)sxu/lou de\ tou= tragikou= h)=n a)delfidou=s kai\ e)/sxen ui(o\n *mo/rsimon, to\n tragiko/n: ou(=tinos gi/netai *)astuda/mas o( tragiko/s. tou/tou d' e(/teros *filoklh=s, tragiko/s.
C5/4 BCE. See generally OCD4 Philocles.
The second paragraph here comes from a scholion on Aristophanes, Birds 281.
[1] Adler would emend, with H.F. Clinton, to 'of Euripides'
[2] See already alphaiota 357 and again phi 379.
[3] See mu 1260, mu 1261, mu 1262; OCD4 Morsimus.
[4] See alpha 4264; OCD4 s.v.
Keywords: biography; chronology; comedy; ethics; geography; imagery; medicine; mythology; tragedy
Translated by: Ross Scaife ✝ on 22 March 2002@11:58:52.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (modified translation; added notes and keywords; cosmetics) on 11 April 2002@05:08:28.
David Whitehead (added x-ref) on 27 April 2003@10:36:45.
David Whitehead on 10 December 2013@10:06:50.
David Whitehead on 7 August 2014@03:01:46.
David Whitehead (note tweaks) on 31 May 2016@04:17:50.
Catharine Roth (coding) on 21 February 2023@15:44:15.


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