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Headword: *ou) xrh/
Adler number: omicron,986
Translated headword: one should not
Vetting Status: high
"One should not rear a lion's cub in the city; best not to rear a lion in the city;[1] but if someone does rear it, [one should not] submit to its ways."[2] Aristophanes [sc. writes this]. Aeschylus is speaking about Alcibiades:[3] don't nourish a thought; but if you nourish it, don't anger it, but tame it. As a result Euripides advised not to accept any such mindset, but Aeschylus [advised] not to accept it, but if you have accepted it, to bear with its whims. Dionysus says [sc. in reply] to these things says: "I find it difficult to judge, for one has spoken wisely, the other clearly."[4] [i.e.] Aeschylus [spoke] wisely, Euripides clearly.
Greek Original:
*ou) xrh/: ou) xrh\ le/ontos sku/mnon e)n po/lei tre/fein: ma/lista me\n le/onta mh\ 'n po/lei tre/fein: h)\n d' e)ktrafh=| tis, toi=s tro/pois u(phretei=n. *)aristofa/nhs. *ai)sxu/los de\ le/gei peri\ *)alkibia/dou: mh\ a)natre/fein fro/nhma: e)a\n de\ a)natre/fh|, mh\ e)reqi/zein, a)lla\ tiqaseu=sai. w(/ste o( me\n *eu)ripi/dhs sumbebou/leuke mh\ de/xesqai, o( de\ *ai)sxu/los toiau/thn tina\ dia/noian mh\ katade/casqai, h)\ katadeca/menon tropoforei=n. o( de\ *dio/nusos pro\s ta/de fhsi/: duskri/tws me/n g' e)/xw, sofw=s ga\r ei)=pen, o( d' e(/teros safw=s. sofw=s me\n o( *ai)sxu/los, safw=s de\ o( *eu)ripi/dhs.
The entry consists of quotations from Aristophanes, Frogs 1431-4 (web address 1), with the scholia to those lines intermingled. See also sigma 713, which quotes these lines; and the paroemiographer Macarius Chrysocephalus 6.71.
The phrase ou) xrh/, extracted as the present headword, consists of the negative particle and the impersonal verb xrh/ ("it is necessary": chi 471), which generally takes a construction with an infinitive. The negative usually exercises its semantic force on the following infinitive, as here. See Smyth 2714 at web address 2 below.
[1] Aristophanes, Frogs 1431a+b in Dover's edition. The second of these lines is more usually regarded as a gloss that intruded upon the text and is printed in square brackets (to be deleted rather than secluded).
[2] Aristophanes, Frogs 1432. This, together with what has preceded it (see n.1), is Aeschylus fr. 452 Radt.
[3] For Alcibiades see generally alpha 1280.
[4] Aristophanes, Frogs 1433-4.
Associated internet addresses:
Web address 1,
Web address 2
Keywords: biography; comedy; daily life; dialects, grammar, and etymology; imagery; politics; proverbs; tragedy; zoology
Translated by: Matthew Farmer on 26 March 2008@17:12:34.
Vetted by:
Jennifer Benedict (modified hw, tr, notes; added links and keywords; set status) on 27 March 2008@00:29:03.
David Whitehead (supplemented translation; rearranged and augmented notes; x-refs; more keywords; tweaks and cosmetics) on 27 March 2008@06:19:37.
David Whitehead on 2 August 2013@05:51:22.
Catharine Roth (upgraded link) on 4 August 2014@22:16:23.
Catharine Roth (tweaked link) on 6 March 2021@22:48:30.


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