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Headword: *mousw/nios
Adler number: mu,1306
Translated headword: Musonius
Vetting Status: high
He lived at the time when Jovian was emperor.[1] All the best things appeared slight in comparison to the profundity, together with the energy, of Musonius' judgment. Being highly esteemed for good reason because of those [qualities], he traversed the coastal region of Asia, and he who had the proconsular and greater power[2] yielded [to him] with regard to the official visits. And that man [Musonius], going over everything, within a few days filled the sea with remittances from Asia.[3] No one was charging any injustice to the proceedings; it was rather a kind of child's play to all those who supplied the remittances. For Eunapius,[4] the rhetorician from Phrygia,[5] presided over the transactions.[6]
Greek Original:
*mousw/nios: e)pi\ *)iobianou= h)=n basile/ws. pa/nta o(/sa h)=n a)/rista, mikra\ e)fai/neto pro\s to\n o)/gkon *mouswni/ou kai\ th\n su\n tw=| drasthri/w| th=s gnw/mhs baqu/thta: di' a(\ kata\ lo/gon eu)dokimw=n th/n te a(litenh= xw/ran th=s *)asi/as e)ph=lqe kai\ o( th\n a)nqu/paton kai\ mei/zona e)/xwn a)rxh\n pro\s ta\s e)pidhmi/as e)ci/stato, ka)kei=nos a(/panta e)piw\n e)n o)li/gais h(me/rais th\n qa/lassan e)plh/rwse tw=n a)po\ th=s *)asi/as ei)sforw=n. e)peka/lei de\ ou)dei\s a)/dikon ou)de\n toi=s ginome/nois: a)lla\ paidia/ tis h)=n a(/pasi toi=s kataba/llousi ta\ ei)sfero/mena. *eu)na/pios ga\r o( e)k *frugi/as r(h/twr e)pesta/tei toi=s prattome/nois.
Mu 1306 = Blockley, Eunapius fr. 29.[2]. This Musonius was born in Pamphylia (see OCD(4) s.v.), a region in southern Asia Minor, present-day Turkey (PLRE, p. 613, s.v. Musonius 2; cf. mu 208). He is to be distinguished from mu 1305, the Stoic philosopher and knight Gaius Musonius Rufus (OCD(4) s.v.).
Despite having trained as a sophist at Alexandria and taught rhetoric in Athens, Musonius ascended politically to become vicarius Macedoniae in 362 CE and vicarius Asiae in 367-8 (PLRE, p. 1081). Setting forth in 378 from Sardis (capital of Lydia; cf. sigma 125, sigma 128, and lambda 783), he had designs to suppress Isaurian (iota 616) uprisings in Pamphylia and Cilicia (the Mediterranean coastal region to the east of Pamphylia; kappa 1605, kappa 1606, kappa 1607, kappa 1608). But he commanded a meager military detachment, and, in engagement with the Isaurians, he was killed instead; cf. PLRE, p. 613; Blockley, pp. 64-5; delta 1498, epsilon 2143.
[1] Jovian (331-364) was Roman Emperor 363-364; see OCD(4) s.v. and iota 401.
[2] This perhaps refers to Helpidius 6 (PLRE, p. 415), proconsul of Asia beginning in 364; cf. Blockley, p. 137 (where the displaced proconsul's name is given, apparently in error, as Hesperius).
[3] Musonius was evidently entrusted with gathering some special tax (Blockley, p. 137; Goulet, p. 66). Noting the succession of Asia Minor vicars, which allows no room for a Musonian vicariate, the PLRE (p. 613) objects to the Suda's placement of these events within the reign of Jovian and proffers the idea that they transpired when Musonius was vicarius Asiae, 367-8. But Goulet reasserts (p. 66, n. 40) the Suda's statement that for this special mission, Musonius was proconsul pro tempore--not a vicar--and that in any case the rhetorician Eunapius executed the required collections; cf. Blockley, p. 137.
[4] The rhetorician Eunapius (PLRE, p. 295; Eunapius fr.15 FHG (4.14)) of Phrygia (cf. n. 5) is not to be confused with the homonymous historian and native of Sardis (OCD(4) s.v. Eunapius) to whom this entire passage is attributed (n. 6).
[5] Phrygia is a central-western region of Asia Minor, east of Lydia (cf. lambda 783), south of Bithynia, and north of Pisidia (pi 1643) and Lycaonia (lambda 796). It is bounded on the east by the Tuz Gölü (Salt Lake). See OCD(4) s.v. Phrygia; tau 555 (gloss).
[6] Eunapius fr.45 FHG (4.33); cf. Blockley, pp. 46-7. From his effusive praise by Eunapius, Musonius was probably a pagan; cf. PLRE, p. 613.
A.H.M. Jones, J.R. Martindale, and J. Morris, The Prosopography of the Later Roman Empire, vol. I, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1971
R.C. Blockley, The Fragmentary Classicising Historians of the Later Roman Empire: Eunapius, Olympiodorus, Priscus and Malchus, vol. II, Liverpool: Francis Cairns, 1983
R. Goulet, 'Sur la chronologie de la vie et des oeuvres d'Eunape de Sardes,' Journal of Hellenic Studies, vol. 100, 1980, pp. 60-72
Keywords: biography; chronology; constitution; economics; ethics; geography; historiography; history; imagery; law; military affairs; politics; rhetoric
Translated by: Ronald Allen on 14 July 2008@03:53:16.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (tweaks and cosmetics; more keywords) on 14 July 2008@04:52:31.
David Whitehead (cosmetics) on 27 May 2013@09:21:45.
David Whitehead on 9 August 2014@09:10:24.
Aaron Baker (Modified translation.) on 1 December 2014@22:53:35.
Aaron Baker (Modified translation.) on 2 December 2014@23:10:23.
Aaron Baker (Tweaked translation.) on 2 December 2014@23:13:19.
Aaron Baker (Added Blockley citation.) on 2 December 2014@23:28:39.


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