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Headword: *klhronomw=
Adler number: kappa,1781
Translated headword: I inherit, I obtain
Vetting Status: high
When it means I take and I partake, [it is used] with a genitive: as in, "I [do not] inherit this disgrace."[1] Also, "you who have inherited [more than five talents] from the father-in-law of your friends."[2] But [sc. it is also used] with an accusative; as in "how long will you inherit my holy mountain?;"[3] also, "he was not the first to inherit heaven."[4] Meaning to discover and inhabit [it].
Greek Original:
*klhronomw=: o(/te shmai/nei to\ lamba/nw kai\ mete/xw, genikh=|: w(s to/, tau/ths ge th=s ai)sxu/nhs klhronomw=. kai/, o(/s ge keklhrono/mhkas tw=n fi/lwn tou= khdestou=. ai)tiatikh=| de/: w(s to/, me/xri ti/nos klhronomh/sete to\ o)/ros to\ a(/gio/n mou; kai/, ou)k e)/fqh klhronomh=sai to\n ou)rano/n. a)nti\ tou= eu(rei=n kai\ oi)kh=sai.
For the headword verb see also kappa 1779, kappa 1780.
[1] Demosthenes 19.320 (web address 1).
[2] Demosthenes 18.312, where however the reading is the name *fi/lwnos (thus, 'your father-in-law Philon') rather than the Suda's genitive plural fi/lwn: (web address 2).
[3] Quotation not identified by Adler but identifiable via the TLG as Oecumenius, Commentary on the Apocalypse 259.14-15 Hoskier.
[4] Quotation unidentifiable (but very probably another Christian source; John Chrysostom has the phrase 'to inherit heaven').
Associated internet addresses:
Web address 1,
Web address 2
Keywords: Christianity; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; ethics; imagery; religion; rhetoric
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 16 October 2003@18:54:25.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (supplemented translation; added notes; cosmetics) on 17 October 2003@03:50:23.
David Whitehead (source identification; more keywords; tweaking) on 3 March 2013@04:31:48.
Catharine Roth (typo, upgraded link) on 5 March 2013@21:20:01.
David Whitehead (coding) on 1 May 2016@09:10:22.


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