*galh=: to\ zw=|on. kalei=tai de\ pro/s tinwn kerdw\ kai\ i(lari/a. e)/sti de\ to\ o)/noma i)so/yhfon di/kh galh=, a)/lgh: a)po\ ga\r tw=n au)tw=n su/gkeitai gramma/twn. kai\ *galh= *tarthssi/a: h( *tarthsso\s po/lis e)/cw tw=n *(hraklei/wn sthlw=n pro\s tw=| w)keanw=|, e)/nqa me/gistai gi/nontai galai=.
[1] Similarly already in
Hesychius (gamma90).
[2] Profit; cf.
kappa 1391.
[3] "Cheerfulness", Hilaria, is a pet name for a weasel, interpolated in
Artemidorus 3.28 (LSJ s.v., II). See further, next note.
[4] More exactly -- as translated here -- "equal in numerical value", of words "in which the values of letters added together make up the same sum" (LSJ s.v.
i)so/yhfos, III.1). The present instance of it, as Adler noted, derives from
Artemidorus 3.28 (even though Pack obelizes the words
a)po\ ga\r tw=n au)tw=n su/gkeitai gramma/twn there) on dreams: 'a weasel [
galh=] signifies a woman [
gunh/] wicked and scheming and a lawsuit [
di/kh]; for
di/kh and
galh= is (
sic) equal in numerical value. Also death [
qa/natos]: for anything it takes, this rots. Also businesses and sources of gain: for this is called a profit from certain people'. By adding up the numerical value of the letters in these words, it can be seen that
isopsephia (of 42) applies only to 'weasel', 'lawsuit' and (not in
Artemidorus) 'pains'.
Diogenianus 3.71 and other paroemiographers; first in
Herodotus 4.192.3.
[6] cf.
tau 137.
[7] cf.
eta 464.
David Whitehead (modified translation; augmented notes and keywords) on 16 December 2001@07:27:41.
Catharine Roth (added note) on 16 December 2001@16:19:50.
David Whitehead (augmented notes and keywords; tweaks and cosmetics; raised status) on 15 June 2011@04:33:02.
David Whitehead (another note; cosmetics) on 27 September 2015@04:26:34.
Catharine Roth (expanded note) on 9 March 2016@22:36:24.
David Whitehead (tweaked and expanded a note; more keywords) on 10 March 2016@04:22:30.
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