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Headword: *)/eqos
Adler number: epsilon,328
Translated headword: custom, habituation
Vetting Status: high
Meaning a sign. Or an unwritten law, whereas a law [is] a written custom.[1]
Custom[2] is not a human discovery, but [sc. a natutal product] of life and of time. And whereas law is comparable to tyranny, for each thing is accomplished due to fear and to a command, custom is rather [accomplished] due to philanthropy than to kingship. For all people follow custom willingly and without necessity.[3] And law is full of such justice and philanthropy that even for unfortunate people it is more useful than what is generically convenient; for those suffering injustice it is stronger than their own strength; for parents it is more favorable than sons; for children [more favorable] than parents, for brothers [more favorable] than brothers. This is because many people, when suffering an injustice by the action of their friends, take refuge in law. And there are even more things [sc. to say] about law.
Greek Original:
*)/eqos: a)nti\ tou= shmei=on. h)\ no/mos a)/grafos, no/mos de\ e)/qos e)/ggrafon. o(/ti to\ e)/qos ou)k e)/stin eu(/rema a)nqrw/pwn, a)lla\ bi/ou kai\ xro/nou. kai\ o( me\n no/mos ei)/kastai turanni/di: fo/bw| ga\r e(/kasta kai\ meta\ prosta/gmatos diapra/ttetai: to\ de\ e)/qos ma=llon th=| filanqrwpi/a| th=s basilei/as: boulo/menoi ga\r au)tw=| pa/ntes di/xa a)na/gkhs e(/pontai. kai\ o( no/mos tosau/ths dikaiosu/nhs kai\ filanqrwpi/as mesto/s, w(/ste kai\ toi=s a)tuxou=si xrhsimw/teros kaqe/sthke tw=n ge/nei proshko/ntwn kai\ toi=s a)dikoume/nois i)sxuro/teros th=s au)th=s e)kei/nwn r(w/mhs kai\ patra/sin ui(e/wn eu)nou/steros kai\ paisi\ gone/wn kai\ a)delfoi=s a)delfw=n. polloi\ ga\r u(po\ tw=n fi/lwn a)dikou/menoi pro\s tou=ton katafeu/gousi. kai\ a)/lla plei/ona/ ei)si peri\ no/mou.
Similarly in ps.-Zonaras.
[1] cf. Aristotle, Rhetoric 1368b7-9, distinguishing particular from common (or general) law -- the former being the written law according to which a city is ruled, the latter the unwritten law that appears to be recognized by all people.
[2] This supplementary material comes from two of the short Orations of Dio Chrysostom: 76 On Custom (as far as 'without necessity'), 75 On Law.
[3] cf. Aristotle, Rhetoric 1370a6-7: "for what is habitual becomes as if it were already natural; for habituation is something like nature".
Keywords: children; Christianity; daily life; definition; ethics; imagery; law; philosophy; politics; religion; rhetoric
Translated by: Marcelo Boeri on 8 December 2003@16:23:51.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (another keyword; cosmetics) on 9 December 2003@03:26:35.
Marcelo Boeri (Added notes.) on 3 June 2004@00:05:42.
David Whitehead (another keyword) on 16 November 2005@08:14:02.
David Whitehead (augmented note, inc source-identifications; more keywords; cosmetics) on 31 July 2012@04:46:18.
David Whitehead (another note; coding and other cosmetics) on 7 December 2015@06:36:47.
Catharine Roth (tweaked note) on 25 November 2016@02:07:02.


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