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Search results for beta,57 in Adler number:
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Headword: *ba/kxos
Adler number: beta,57
Translated headword: Bakkhos, Bacchus
Vetting Status: high
Thus he[1] used to call not only Dionysos, but also all those who celebrate the orgies; indeed the initiates do not also carry the branches. It is also a kind of wreath. "They wreathed the their heads with bacchic [flowers]."[2]
And the Pisidian [writes]: "it was possible to see many Bacchants willingly dancing the last dance."[3]
Greek Original:
*ba/kxos: ou(/tws ou) mo/non to\n *dio/nuson e)ka/lei, a)lla\ kai\ pa/ntas tou\s telou=ntas ta\ o)/rgia: ou) mh\n kai\ tou\s kla/dous oi( mu/stai fe/rousin. e)/sti de\ kai\ stefa/nou ei)=dos. *ba/kxoisin kefala\s poluanqe/sin e)ste/yanto. kai\ *pisi/dhs: pollou\s de\ *ba/kxous h)=n o(ra=n a)kousi/ws th\n e)sxa/thn o)/rxhsin e)corxoume/nous.
[1] So the manuscripts followed by Adler; but others have the superior "they".
[2] Nicander [nu 374] fr. 130 Schneider -- from the scholia on Aristophanes, Knights 408; cf. beta 52.
[3] George of Pisidia, Heraclias 3 fr. 40.
Keywords: botany; comedy; definition; imagery; meter and music; poetry; religion
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 17 November 2000@00:47:08.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (modified translation; augmented notes and keywords; cosmetics) on 30 August 2002@06:38:37.
David Whitehead (tweaks and cosmetics) on 18 May 2012@07:01:38.
Catharine Roth (coding) on 3 June 2012@00:47:07.
Catharine Roth (tweaked reference) on 26 November 2014@23:33:54.
David Whitehead (cosmeticule) on 15 September 2015@04:08:34.


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