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Search results for beta,197 in Adler number:
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Headword: *bde/lla
Adler number: beta,197
Translated headword: leech
Vetting Status: high
Solomon says: "the leech had 3 daughters, beloved with affection; and these 3 were not satisfied, and the 4th was not capable of saying 'enough.'" Sin [is called] a leech. Her daughter[s] [are] fornication, envy, idolatry, which are not satisfied through their weird practices. The fourth [is] wicked desire.
Greek Original:
*bde/lla: o( *solomw/n fhsi: th=| bde/llh| h)=san g# qugate/res a)gaph/sei a)gapw/menai: kai\ ai( g# au(=tai ou)k e)nepi/mplanto, kai\ h( d# ou)k h)rke/sqh ei)pei=n i(kanh/. bde/lla h( a(marti/a. quga/thr au)th=s pornei/a, fqo/nos, ei)dwlolatri/a, ai(\ ou)k e)mpi/plantai dia\ tw=n a)to/pwn pra/cewn. h( d# h( ponhra\ e)piqumi/a.
Proverbs 30:15 and scholia.
Keywords: daily life; ethics; gender and sexuality; imagery; poetry; proverbs; religion; women; zoology
Translated by: Craig Gibson on 28 July 2002@15:12:53.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (added keywords; cosmetics) on 2 September 2002@03:53:58.
David Whitehead (another keyword) on 11 November 2005@05:45:03.
David Whitehead (another keyword; cosmetics) on 23 May 2012@08:34:24.
Catharine Roth (tweaked translation, coded title) on 14 June 2012@01:45:49.


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