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Search results for theta,472 in Adler number:
Adler number: theta,472
Translated headword: creatures, nurselings
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Also [sc. attested is the adjective]
poluqre/mmatos ["many-creatured"], one having many herds.[1]
Aelian [writes]: "for I have not come here to stoop at table after the manner of a brute creature to be fattened, to be hung about with offices and honors and to marvel at courts and tables and satraps. Neither is human beauty a bait for me, nor do I make money."[2]
Greek Original:Thremmata. kai Poluthremmatos, ho polla probata echôn. Ailianos: ou gar deuro aphigmai es trapezan kekuphenai kai thremmatos alogou dikên piainesthai, kai archôn te kai timôn kremasthai kai thaumazein aulas kai trapezas kai satrapas. oude moi kallos anthrôpinon delear estin, oude chrêmatizomai.
The headword -- unglossed here, but glossed in other lexica; evidently quoted from somewhere -- is nominative/accusative plural of this neuter noun.
[1] See e.g.
Jewish Antiquities 6.29; and cf.
kappa 2441,
pi 1986.
Aelian fr. 30 Domingo-Forasté (27 Hercher); cf.
chi 480.
Keywords: agriculture; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; economics; ethics; food; historiography; imagery; politics; zoology
Translated by: Ryan Stone on 2 March 2008@22:04:07.
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