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Headword: Môüsês
Adler number: mu,1348
Translated headword: Moses
Vetting Status: high
The prophet and lawgiver.[1]
In the 80th year of this man the sons of Israel came out of Egypt, where they had lived for 215 years. How then does God declare to Abraham, that "your seed will be a sojourner for 400 years"? Rather, it is clear that the [duration of the] sojourning of the people should be reckoned from the ascension of Abraham from Haran.[2] For the sojourning was not only in Egypt, but also in the land of Canaan. For Moses says: the sojourning of the sons of Israel in the land of Canaan and in Egypt [lasted for] 430 years. And [the sojourning] of Abraham, from the ascension from Canaan and in Egypt until the birth of Isaac [lasted for] 25 years, and from Isaac until Jacob 60 [years], and from Jacob until Levi 87 [years], from Levi until Kohath 45 [years], from Kohath until Abram 63 [years]; from Moses until the Exodus 80 [years]. And thus Israel came out of Egypt.[3]
When Moses was born, because his parents were afraid of the Egyptians, they prepared a wickerwork made of byblus, which in its construction resembled a basket, and they made it sufficient in size for a baby to lie comfortably in it. Then they rubbed it with asphalt and cast it into the river. And Thermouthis, the daughter of the king, took him up.[4] When he became three years old, God lifted up an admirable height for his age.[5]
[Note] that Moses fasted for 80 days, 40 [days] before and 40 [days] after he had destroyed the tables that were made of the stone lapis lazuli, written by the finger of God.[6]
[Note] that nobody was so indifferent that when gazing at Moses he would not be amazed by his beauty of form.[7]
Greek Original:
Môüsês: ho prophêtês kai nomothetês. en tôi p# toutou etei exêlthon hoi huioi Israêl ex Aiguptou, en hêi parôikêsan etê sie#. pôs oun phêsin ho theos pros ton Abraam, hoti paroikon estai to sperma sou etê u#. alla dêlon hoti apo tês anabaseôs Abraam ek Charan dei tên tou laou paroikian arithmein. ou gar en Aiguptôi monêi gegonen hê paroikêsis, alla kai en gêi Chanaan. Môüsês gar legei: hê de paroikêsis tôn huiôn Israêl en gêi Chanaan kai en Aiguptôi etê ul#. kai tou men Abraam apo tês ek Charan anabaseôs mechri tês Isaak gennêseôs etê ke#, apo de Isaak mechri Iakôb x#, apo de Iakôb mechri tou Leuï pz#, apo Leui mechri Kaath me#, apo Kaath mechri Abram xg#: apo Môseôs mechri tês exodou p#. kai houtôs exêlthen Israêl ek tês Aiguptou. tou Môseôs gennêthentos hoi tekontes dediotes tous Aiguptious mêchanôntai plegma bublinon, empheres têi kataskeuêi kistidi, megethous poiêsantes autarkes eis to met' euruchôrias enapokeisthai brephos: epeita chrisantes asphaltôi kata tou potamou ballousi. Thermouthis de hê thugatêr tou basileôs touton aneileto. trietei de genomenôi thaumaston ho theos to tês hêlikias exêren anastêma. hoti Môüsês p# hêmeras enêsteuse, m# tas proteras kai m# meta to suntripsai tas plakas sappheirôi lithôi daktulôi theou grapheisas. hoti oudeis ên aphilotimos houtôs, hôs Môüsên theasamenos mê ekplageiê tês eumorphias.
cf. generally alpha 69 (Abraham), chi 79 (Canaan).
[1] cf. nu 471.
[2] Genesis 12:5.
[3] This section of the entry = George the Monk, Chronicon 115.7-20.
[4] Exodus 2:5; cf. theta 251.
[5] This section of the entry = Josephus, Jewish Antiquities 2.220-1, 224, 231; cf. alpha 2084.
[6] cf. George the Monk, Chronicon 120.20-121.19 (abbreviated).
[7] From alpha 4619.
Keywords: biography; botany; children; chronology; daily life; food; geography; historiography; law; religion; trade and manufacture; women
Translated by: Kostas Zafeiris on 10 August 2004@11:27:56.
Vetted by:
Catharine Roth (modified translation, cosmetics) on 10 August 2004@23:30:45.
David Whitehead (augmented notes and keywords; cosmetics) on 11 August 2004@03:15:07.
David Whitehead (another keyword) on 11 November 2005@06:04:47.
David Whitehead (another note; more keywords; tweaks and cosmetics) on 14 April 2009@08:44:08.
David Whitehead (tweaking; raised status) on 28 May 2013@06:16:20.
Catharine Roth (coding) on 9 November 2014@00:53:34.


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