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Headword: Krios
Adler number: kappa,2434
Translated headword: ram, battering ram
Vetting Status: high
[Meaning] the siege machine [of that name]. It is so called because it collides forcefully and goes back again and does this continually as if it is fighting. There is a big horn resembling a that of a ram and the protruding part of the horn is overlaid with so much iron that it neither breaks off nor catches fire.[1]
[Note] that[2] the front part is called a protomh/ ["figurehead"]. The construction of the ram is as follows. 'A big beam resembling the mast of a ship; this is covered with a thick [layer of] iron on its end, formed into a figurehead in the likeness of a ram, from which it is named. It is suspended with ropes, just like from a scale, on either side of the beam, supported by a bottom cross-pieces at each side. [It is] pushed by a crowd of men toward the rear, and when the same men throw their weight against it toward the front, it strikes the walls with the protruding iron. And no fortress is so strong nor enclosing wall so wide that it can hold out against it, even if it survives the first strikes: because persistence' prevails, it takes the walls down.
Greek Original:
Krios: to mêchanêma to poliorkêtikon. kaleitai de houtôs, hoti prospiptei te rhumêi kai palin epanerchetai kai touto sunechôs hôsper machomenon poiei. esti de keraia megalê krioeidês kai autês to proechon tês embolês sesidêrôtai epi polu, hôste mête apokaulizesthai mête empiprasthai. hoti protomê legetai to prosthen meros. esti de tou kriou hê kataskeuê toiade. dokos hupermegethês histôi nêos paraplêsia: estomôtai de pachei sidêrôi kat' akron, es kriou protomên, aph' hou kai kaleitai, tetupômenos. kataiôreitai de kalois mesois hôsper apo plastingos hekateras dokou, staurois hekaterôthen hedraiois hupestêrigmenos, anôthoumenos hupo plêthous andrôn es to katopin, tôn autôn palin athroôs es toumprosthen epibrisantôn, tuptei ta teichê tôi prosanechonti sidêrôi: kai oudeis houtô karteros purgos ê peribolos platus, hos kan tas prôtas plêgas enenkein katischuseie: tês gar epimonês kratousês, kathairei ta teichê.
[1] The source of this first paragraph is unidentifiable; cf. merely at alpha 3340.
[2] For this second paragraph cf. pi 2891. The quoted section in both entries is a close paraphrase of Josephus, Jewish War 3.214-217 (web address 1).
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: architecture; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; historiography; imagery; military affairs; science and technology; trade and manufacture; zoology
Translated by: Giorgos Akrivas on 18 January 2004@17:47:54.
Vetted by:
William Hutton (modified translation, set status) on 18 January 2004@20:51:36.
David Whitehead (added note and another keyword; cosmetics) on 19 January 2004@03:36:34.
David Whitehead (more notes and keywords; cosmetics) on 18 March 2013@05:08:41.
Catharine Roth (coding) on 6 May 2015@23:59:47.
Catharine Roth (cosmeticule) on 9 February 2020@00:00:50.
Catharine Roth (added a link) on 9 February 2020@00:44:29.


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