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Headword: *qewri/a kai\ pra=cis
Adler number: theta,215
Translated headword: theory and practice
Vetting Status: high
The former is the theoretical [activity] of the intellect, the latter is its practical [activity]. Now the practical [activity] itself gets conclusions by reasoning out of a condition related to the body. Consequently, after the body's death, the intellect is not practical any more but it is only theoretical. And the practical intellect is different from the theoretical one because of its end, and it is not different because of its subject, as the seed and the fruit do not differ either. For the grasp of the truth is the end for the theoretical intellect, and the grasp of the good is the end for the practical one. Therefore, he is saying, the intellect seems to be a different genus from the soul, and only it has a separable substance but all the rest of the soul [is] inseparable.
Greek Original:
*qewri/a kai\ pra=cis: o(/ti tou= nou= to\ me/n e)sti qewrhtiko/n, to\ de\ praktiko/n. to\ me\n ou)=n praktiko\n e)k th=s sxe/sews au)to\ logi/zetai th=s pro\s to\ sw=ma: dio\ meta\ to\ a)poluqh=nai tou= sw/matos ou)ke/ti e)sti\ praktiko/s, mo/non de\ qewrhtiko/s. diafe/rei de\ o( praktiko\s nou=s tou= qewrhtikou= tw=| te/lei, mhde\n tw=| u(pokeime/nw| diafe/rwn, w(s ou)de\ to\ spe/rma kai\ o( karpo/s. tw=| me\n ga\r qewrhtikw=| te/los e)sti\n h( th=s a)lhqei/as kata/lhyis, tw=| de\ praktikw=| h( tou= a)gaqou=. o( me\n ou)=n nou=s, fhsi/, ge/nos e(/teron ei)=nai dokei= yuxh=s kai\ mo/nos xwristh\n e)/xei th\n ou)si/an, h( de\ loiph\ pa=sa yuxh\ a)xw/ristos.
John Philoponus, On Aristotle's de anima 241.6-13, 18-21. See also theta 214, theta 216.
Keywords: botany; definition; ethics; imagery; philosophy
Translated by: Marcelo Boeri on 10 April 2000@13:32:29.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (added note; cosmetics) on 16 January 2003@08:41:52.
Catharine Roth (modified translation) on 10 January 2004@00:24:51.
David Whitehead (more keywords; cosmetics) on 1 January 2013@06:27:51.


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