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Headword: *qeode/kths
Adler number: theta,138
Translated headword: Theodektes, Theodectes
Vetting Status: high
Son of Aristander; of Phaselis in Lycia.[1] Rhetor; he turned to tragedy. A pupil of Plato, Isocrates[2] and Aristotle. This man and Naucrates of Erythrae[3] and the orator Isocrates of Apollonia[4] and Theopompus[5] delivered, in the 103rd Olympiad, a funeral speech for Mausolus at the instigation of his wife Artemisia.[6] And he won, after gaining much approval for his tragic oration; but others say that Theopompus took first place.[7] He produced 50 plays. He died in Athens at the age of 41; his father was still alive. He also wrote an Art of Rhetoric in verse; and other works in prose.
Greek Original:
*qeode/kths, *)arista/ndrou, *fashli/ths e)k *luki/as, r(h/twr, trapei\s de\ e)pi\ tragw|di/as, maqhth\s *pla/twnos kai\ *)isokra/tous kai\ *)aristote/lous. ou(=tos kai\ o( *)eruqrai=os *naukra/ths kai\ *)isokra/ths o( r(h/twr, o( *)apollwnia/ths, kai\ *qeo/pompos, e)pi\ th=s rg# o)lumpia/dos ei)=pon e)pita/fion e)pi\ *mausw/lw|, *)artemisi/as th=s gunaiko\s au)tou= protreyame/nhs. kai\ e)ni/khse ma/lista eu)dokimh/sas e)n h(=| ei)=pe tragw|di/a|. a)/lloi de/ fasi *qeo/pompon e)/xein ta\ prwtei=a. dra/mata de\ e)di/dace n#. teleuta=| de\ e)n *)aqh/nais e)tw=n e(no\s kai\ m#, e)/ti tou= patro\s au)tou= perio/ntos. e)/graye de\ kai\ te/xnhn r(htorikh\n e)n me/trw|, kai\ a)/lla tina kataloga/dhn.
cf. theta 139.
[1] RE Theodektes (1); OCD4 Theodectes; TrGF 72; Stephanus of Byzantium s.v. Phaselis.
[2] iota 652: Isocrates.
[3] RE Naukrates(2).
[4] iota 653: Isocrates of Apollonia.
[5] theta 172: Theopompus.
[6] 368-365. This, however, is when the Mausoleum was begun, as part of the refoundation of Halicarnassus by Mausolus; the dynast himself (mu 299) did not die until 353. Adler notes suggested emendations of the transmitted numeral which would produce Ol.106 (356-353) or Ol.107 (352-349).
[7] The reason for this discrepancy is perhaps that there had been two prizes, one for tragedy and one for oratory. So most recently M.A. Flower, Theopompus of Chios (Oxford 1994) 57 n.47; and see generally S. Hornblower, Mausolus (Oxford 1982) 333-6.
Keywords: biography; chronology; geography; history; philosophy; poetry; rhetoric; women
Translated by: Malcolm Heath on 12 June 2001@13:49:14.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (augmented notes; cosmetics) on 13 June 2001@04:42:05.
David Whitehead (corrected n.4, with thanks to Claude Desplanques) on 12 February 2008@03:58:21.
David Whitehead (another x-ref; more keywords; cosmetics) on 31 December 2012@06:16:26.
David Whitehead (expanded n.6) on 2 April 2014@05:10:21.
David Whitehead (updated a ref) on 2 August 2014@10:51:02.


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