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Headword: *skorodi/ois
Adler number: sigma,668
Translated headword: garlic-leaves; garlic-stalks
Vetting Status: high
[Meaning using] the leaves of garlic[-plants]. Aristophanes in Wealth [writes]: "and we no longer wipe ourselves clean with stones, but because of daintiness [we use] garlic-leaves."[1] Amusingly [sc. said] instead of linen-cloths. Since they used to eat garlic every time, he says this because when they had become rich they looked down on their old way of life. And it is called garlic [sko/rodon] perhaps because it is some sort of "inauspicious [skaio/s] rose [r(o/don];" from the fact that it smells inauspicious.[2] Some [sc. understand] skorodi/ois as the stalks of garlic[-plants]. When they were afflicted by famine the Athenians used these things. And he does not [sc. say] this simply, but rather so that he might show that "we had undergone so great a change, that those things which we would gladly eat before, we now use to wipe ourselves clean when defecating." But perhaps he is talking about the stalk of the garlic. For that plant is like an asphodel, [sc. and thus] suitable for this. And surely if it has some sting, he might easily have said this by way of innuendo.
And elsewhere: "I am perishing, being robbed of my garlics."[3] He comes from the fields bearing a bundle of garlics and he is assaulted by some hungry foreigners who also steal it; to the extent that those who are robbed are 'perishing'. The Thracians not unreasonably take pleasure in garlic: for it is hot, and the Thracians live in a cold country.
Also [sc. attested is] a saying: "a garlic in nets."[4] The Athenians when intending to sail and go out [sc. on campaign] used to buy these and put [them] in linen [nets].
See sko/rodon under basani/sas ["having put to the test"].[5]
Greek Original:
*skorodi/ois: toi=s tw=n skoro/dwn fu/llois. *)aristofa/nhs *plou/tw|: a)poyw/mesqa d' ou) li/qois e)/ti, a)lla\ skorodi/ois u(po\ trufw=n. geloi/ws a)nti\ tou= saba/nois. e)peidh\ de\ h)/sqion e(ka/stote sko/roda, tou=to/ fhsin, o(/ti w(s plouth/santes katefro/nhsan th=s palaia=s diai/ths. ei)/rhtai de\ sko/rodon i)/sws skaio\n r(o/don ti o)/n: para\ to\ skaio\n o)/zein. tine\s de\ skorodi/ois toi=s tw=n skoro/dwn kauloi=s. limw=| de\ peripeso/ntes oi( *)aqhnai=oi tou/tois e)xrh/santo. ou)x a(plw=s de\ tou=to, a)ll' i(/na dei/ch|, o(/ti tosau/th| metabolh=| kexrh/meqa, w(/ste, a(\ pro/teron h)sqi/omen a)gaphtw=s, tou/tois nu=n a)fodeu/ontes a)pomatto/meqa. mh/pote de\ tou= skoro/dou le/gei to\n kaulo/n. e)/sti ga\r a)sfode/lw| o(/moios ka)kei=nos, e)pith/deios ei)s tou=to. ei) d' a)/ra dhktiko/n ti e)/xei, ta/xa a)\n ei)/h para\ th\n u(po/noian ei)rhkw/s. kai\ au)=qis: a)po/llumai ta\ sko/roda porqou/menos. e)k tw=n a)grw=n e)/rxetai e)/xwn forti/on sko/roda kai\ e)phrea/zetai u(po\ tw=n ce/nwn limwtto/ntwn kai\ diarpazo/ntwn au)ta/: par' o(/son oi( porqou/menoi a)po/lluntai. a)re/skontai de\ toi=s skoro/dois oi( *qra=|kes ou)k a)peiko/tws: qerma\ ga/r e)stin, oi( de\ *qra=|kes yuxra\n xw/ran ne/montai. kai\ paroimi/a: *sko/rodon e)n diktu/ois. oi( *)aqhnai=oi me/llontes plei=n kai\ e)cie/nai tau=ta w)nou=nto, kai\ e)n li/nois e)/ballon. zh/tei sko/rodon e)n tw=| basani/sas.
The headword, a neuter noun and diminutive of sko/rodon, is in the dative plural (extracted from the initial quotation given, where it serves as instrumental dative, hence the supplementation 'using'). LSJ entry at web address 1 below. The entry as a whole mixes material relevant to the headword and to its parent noun sko/rodon ('garlic').
See also alpha 3110, alpha 3660, mu 1492, alpha 270, gamma 110.
[1] An approximation of Aristophanes, Wealth [Plutus] 817-8, with comments derived from the scholia there. Original text: a)poyw/mesqa d'ou) li/qois e)/ti, a)lla\ skorodi/ois u(po\ trufh=s e(ka/stote (web address 2); cf. alpha 3660.
[2] The etymology offered here is improbable. See Chantraine DELG s.v. sko/rodon.
[3] Aristophanes, Acharnians 164 (web address 3), with comments from the scholia. The speaker (and consequently the 'he' referred to in the comments) is the character Dicaeopolis; see epsilon 6249.
[4] This 'saying' is unattested elsewhere, but, as with many other Suda entries which use this term, the commentary on it is derived from comic scholia: in this instance, on Aristophanes, Acharnians 550 (web address 4), which talks of people buying "garlic ... and onions in nets" in preparation for a military campaign.
[5] beta 137.
Associated internet addresses:
Web address 1,
Web address 2,
Web address 3,
Web address 4
Keywords: agriculture; botany; clothing; comedy; daily life; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; economics; ethics; food; geography; imagery; military affairs; poetry; politics; proverbs; science and technology; stagecraft
Translated by: Patrick Hamill on 15 February 2014@19:15:58.
Vetted by:
William Hutton (tweaked translation, augmented notes, added keywords, raised status) on 15 February 2014@19:27:26.
Catharine Roth (cosmetics, upgraded links) on 15 February 2014@22:35:04.
David Whitehead (tweaks and cosmetics; raised status) on 16 February 2014@05:29:29.
William Hutton (tweaks and cosmetics to translation and notes) on 16 February 2014@07:15:50.


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