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Headword: *stoa/
Adler number: sigma,1126
Translated headword: stoa
Vetting Status: high
[Meaning] a treasury; [so called] on account of being elongated.[1] "Stoas of grain and of Bacchic flow," [i.e.] containing bread and wine. [So says] Aristophanes.[2]
[sc. Note also] Stoa, the philosophical school in Athens; [spelled] with an omicron. But those [named] after it [are] Stoics, [spelled] with an omega.[3]
It was named for Peisianax, but later, after being painted, it was called Poikile.[4]
[It is said] that Damianos, an Ephesian sophist, constructed the domed stoa outside Ephesos extending to the shrine.[5]
Greek Original:
*stoa/: to\ tamiei=on: dia\ to\ para/mhkes ei)=nai. stoa/s te karpou= bakxei/ou te na/matos. e)n ai(=s o( si=tos kai\ o( oi)=nos. *)aristofa/nhs. *stoa/, h( e)n *)aqh/nais diatribh/: dia\ tou= o mikrou=: *stwi+koi\ de\ oi( a)p' au)th=s, dia\ tou= w mega/lou. h(/tis w)noma/zeto *peisiana/kteios, u(/steron de\ zwgrafhqei=sa *poiki/lh e)klh/qh. o(/ti th\n stoa\n th\n e)kto\s *)efe/sou a)poteinome/nhn e)s to\ i(ero\n qolikh\n kateskeu/ase *damiano/s, *)efe/sios sofisth/s.
[1] Scarcely an etymology, but if not intended as such, opaque.
[2] Aristophanes, Ecclesiazusae 14, with comment from the scholia there.
[3] See zeta 79 and sigma 1150.
[4] See pi 1469.
[5] Quoted from delta 45.
Keywords: architecture; art history; biography; chronology; comedy; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; food; geography; imagery; philosophy; religion; science and technology
Translated by: Ross Scaife ✝ on 25 November 2002@09:15:30.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (modified translation; added note and keywords; cosmetics) on 25 November 2002@10:03:35.
David Whitehead (tweaks to translation; another note and keyword) on 6 June 2005@06:49:07.
David Whitehead (more keywords; tweaks and cosmetics) on 21 August 2011@09:22:46.
David Whitehead on 1 January 2014@06:05:51.
David Whitehead on 26 May 2016@09:12:35.
Catharine Roth (tweaked translation following a suggestion from Brady Kiesling) on 29 December 2016@23:51:31.


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