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Search results for pi,703 in Adler number:
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Headword: *par' o(/son
Adler number: pi,703
Translated headword: to the extent to which
Vetting Status: high
Meaning to a great extent. "Seeing the marks of beauty being defiled he was mourning and bewailing the change, to the extent to which it happened."[1]
Greek Original:
*par' o(/son: a)nti\ tou= e)pi\ polu/. ta\ shmei=a tou= ka/llous i)dw\n lumaino/mena w)lofu/reto kai\ kateste/naze th\n metabolh/n, par' o(/son ge/noito.
The headword phrase is presumably extracted from the quotation given (though it is common enough elsewhere, both as a two-word phrase like this and as paro/son; the Suda has 51 instances of the latter).
[1] A paraphrase (as Gaisford first realised) of Josephus, Jewish War 6.7. The "he" who is "seeing" is a notional observer of the sorry state of Jerusalem.
Keywords: definition; ethics; geography; historiography; history
Translated by: William Hutton on 19 August 2011@17:05:47.
Vetted by:
Catharine Roth (set status) on 19 August 2011@17:23:25.
David Whitehead (augmented notes and keywords; tweaks) on 20 August 2011@05:36:52.
David Whitehead on 17 September 2013@05:53:39.


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