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Headword: *pa/rion
Adler number: pi,652
Translated headword: Parion
Vetting Status: high
Name of a rural place, called after Paris the [man] also [known as] Alexandros;[1] for his father Priam sent him there to be raised; previously the place was called Amandros.[2] There Alexandros spent 30 years, acquired a good nature, and was fully educated in Greek wisdom. He also issued a discourse in praise of Aphrodite, saying that she was greater than Athena and Hera; for Aphrodite, he said, was that desire out of which are born all bad things for men.[3] Hence arose the story that Paris made a judgement between Pallas and Hera and Aphrodite and gave Aphrodite the apple, i.e. the victory. He also declaimed a hymn to her, the so-called Kestos. They write that this was the cause of the war. When the 30 years were completed, his father[4] summoned him and sent him to [perform] sacrifices; and when he went to Sparta and found Helen there he abducted her.
Greek Original:
*pa/rion: o)/noma a)grou=, a)po\ *pa/ridos tou= kai\ *)aleca/ndrou klhqe/n: e)kei=se ga\r e)/pemyen au)to\n *pri/amos o( path\r tre/fesqai: topri\n de\ e)kalei=to *)/amandros o( to/pos. e)kei= te diatri/yas *)ale/candros tou\s l# e)niautou\s fu/sew/s te decia=s tetuxhkw\s pa=san e)paideu/qh sofi/an *(ellhnikh/n. e)ce/qeto de\ kai\ lo/gon ei)s e)gkw/mion th=s *)afrodi/ths, le/gwn mei/zona au)th\n ei)=nai th=s *)aqhna=s kai\ th=s *(/hras: th\n ga\r *)afrodi/thn th\n e)piqumi/an ei)=pen, e)c h(=s ti/ktetai panta\ ta\ kaka\ a)nqrw/pois. e)nteu=qen fe/retai mu=qos, o(/ti o( *pa/ris e)/krine metacu\ *palla/dos kai\ *(/hras kai\ *)afrodi/ths kai\ th=| *)afrodi/th| de/dwke to\ mh=lon, o(/ e)sti th\n ni/khn. ei)=pe de\ kai\ u(/mnon ei)s au)th/n, to\n lego/menon *kesto/n. tau/thn gra/fousi th\n ai)ti/an gene/sqai tou= pole/mou. suntelesqe/ntwn tw=n l# e)niautw=n, metasteila/menos tou=ton o( path\r e)/pemyen ei)s qusi/as. o(\s e)lqw\n e)n *spa/rth| kai\ eu(rw\n th\n *(ele/nhn h(/rpasen au)th/n.
This material is paralleled in John of Antioch, Georgius Cedrenus, et al: see Adler's note.
[1] This Parion is not the (later) polis of that name, which according to Stephanus of Byzantium had a different eponym (Parios, son of Iasion).
[2] Differently in the other sources, e.g. Mandro in Cedrenus.
[3] Jonathan Toup (1713-1785) corrected this, surely rightly, to 'all fine things', a change of just one consonant in the Greek.
[4] Priam (pi 2274).
Keywords: aetiology; biography; botany; definition; ethics; food; gender and sexuality; geography; historiography; imagery; military affairs; meter and music; mythology; religion; rhetoric; women
Translated by: David Whitehead on 4 March 2010@06:34:33.
Vetted by:
Catharine Roth (tweak, status) on 5 March 2010@01:33:57.
David Whitehead (expanded nn.1 and 3) on 5 March 2010@03:09:29.
David Whitehead on 16 September 2013@07:38:10.
Catharine Roth (coding) on 14 June 2021@14:41:07.


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