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Headword: *pole/mwn
Adler number: pi,1889
Translated headword: Polemon, Polemo
Vetting Status: high
of Laodicea (i.e. from Laodicea on the river Lycus). Rhetor and sophist. He was a sophist in Smyrna; teacher of the rhetor Aristides.[1] He lived in the time of Trajan, and after him. He was a pupil of the philosopher Timocrates[2] of Heraclea in Pontus and the sophist Scopelianus.[3] He died at the age of 55, placing himself in his own tomb and starving himself to death because of his chronic arthritis. His relatives and friends were lamenting this, and it is said that Polemo told them: 'Give me another body, and I shall re-embark.'[4] He said to his doctors, who were operating on him frequently, 'Cut out Polemo's stone-quarries as quickly as you can.'
Gregory the Theologian followed his stylistic character.[5]
Greek Original:
*pole/mwn, *laodikeu/s, h)/goun e)k *laodikei/as th=s pro\s tw=| *lu/kw| potamw=|, r(h/twr kai\ sofisth/s, sofisteu/sas e)n *smu/rnh|, dida/skalos *)aristei/dou tou= r(h/toros. h)=n de\ e)pi/ te *traianou= kai\ met' au)to/n. maqhth\s de\ e)ge/neto *timokra/tous tou= e)c *(hraklei/as th=s e)n tw=| *po/ntw| filoso/fou kai\ *skopelianou= tou= sofistou=. e)teleu/thse de\ e(\c kai\ penth/konta e)niautw=n, e(auto\n e)n tw=| ta/fw| e)mbalw\n kai\ a)pokarterh/sas dia\ to\ sune/xesqai th=| a)rqri/tidi no/sw|. dio\ kai\ tw=n suggenw=n kai\ fi/lwn qrhnou/ntwn, le/getai ei)pei=n pro\s au)tou\s to\n *pole/mwna: do/te moi e(/teron sw=ma, kai\ metembh/somai. kai\ toi=s i)atroi=s de\ e)pi\ suxnw=| te/mnousin au)to\n e)/legen: e)kte/mnete ta\s *pole/mwnos latomi/as w(s ta/xista. tou/tou tw=| xarakth=ri h)kolou/qhse *grhgo/rios o( *qeo/logos.
Marcus Antonius Polemon, c. AD 88-144. See generally RE Polemon(10); OCD4 Polemon(4); PIR2 A 862; Philostratus Lives of the Sophists 1.25.
[1] alpha 3902: Aristides.
[2] RE Timocrates(14).
[3] sigma 655: Scopelianus.
[4] metembh/somai: an error for meleth/somai ('Give me another body and I shall declaim'); see Philostratus Lives of the Sophists 1.25 (544, and 543 for the following anecdote).
[5] From gamma 450 (Gregory of Nazianzus).
Keywords: biography; Christianity; chronology; ethics; food; geography; imagery; medicine; philosophy; religion
Translated by: Malcolm Heath on 7 February 2003@14:59:21.
Vetted by:
William Hutton (Cosmetics, set status) on 7 February 2003@22:36:28.
David Whitehead (augmented note and keywords; cosmetics) on 8 February 2003@09:40:24.
David Whitehead (more keywords) on 7 October 2013@08:43:19.
David Whitehead (updated a ref) on 2 August 2014@11:35:49.


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