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Headword: *fai/dwn
Adler number: phi,154
Translated headword: Phaidon, Phaedo
Vetting Status: high
of Elis, philosopher, pupil of Socrates; [the man] who began the Elean school named after him, which later took the name Eretrian from Menedemus of Eretria.[1] This man had the early experience of being taken prisoner by Indians,[2] then sold to a certain pimp who put him in charge of courtesans in Athens. He encountered Socrates as a teacher, became enamoured of what he had to say, and begged him to ransom him. Socrates persuaded Alkibiades to buy him -- and hence he became a philosopher. His dialogues are Zopyrus, Medius, Simon, Antimachus or Elder, Nikias, Simmias, Alkibiades, Critolaus.
Greek Original:
*fai/dwn, *)hlei=os, filo/sofos, *swkra/tous a)kousth/s: o(\s h)=rce th=s *)hliakh=s a)p' au)tou= klhqei/shs ai(re/sews, h(/tis u(/steron a)po\ *menedh/mou tou= *)eretrie/ws *)eretriakh\ proshgoreu/qh. tou=ton sune/bh prw=ton ai)xma/lwton u(po\ *)indw=n lhfqh=nai, ei)=ta praqei\s pornoboskw=| tini proe/sth u(p' au)tou= pro\s e(tai/risin e)n *)aqh/nais. e)ntuxw\n de\ *swkra/tei e)chgoume/nw| h)ra/sqh tw=n lo/gwn au)tou= kai\ ai)tei= lu/sasqai. o( de\ pei/qei *)alkibia/dhn pri/asqai au)to/n: kai\ h)=n to\ e)nteu=qen filo/sofos. dia/logoi de\ au)tou= *zw/puros, *mh/dios, *si/mwn, *)anti/maxos h)\ *presbu/ths, *niki/as, *simmi/as, *)alkibia/dhs, *krito/laos.
C5/4 BCE.
cf. Diogenes Laertius 2.105, and see generally OCD(4) s.v. Phaedon; Nails 231.
[1] cf. mu 598.
[2] So the transmitted text, which plainly needs emendation: suggestions have included Arkadians, Lakedaimonians, pirates.
Debra Nails, The People of Plato (Hackett: Indianapolis & Cambridge, 2002)
Keywords: biography; economics; ethics; gender and sexuality; geography; military affairs; philosophy; women
Translated by: David Whitehead on 17 November 2003@08:35:14.
Vetted by:
Ross Scaife ✝ (upped status) on 17 November 2003@11:26:25.
David Whitehead (typo) on 18 November 2003@02:46:44.
David Whitehead (augmented note, with bibliography) on 13 July 2009@05:51:05.
David Whitehead on 9 August 2011@05:16:49.
David Whitehead on 5 December 2013@04:23:36.
David Whitehead on 6 August 2014@10:37:41.
David Whitehead on 6 May 2015@03:16:50.


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