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Headword: *loggi=nos
Adler number: lambda,646
Translated headword: Longinus
Vetting Status: high
This Longinus[1] and Konon [were] brothers of the emperor Zeno. They shared his power lawlessly by setting boundary lines for others’ properties in all the cities; indeed, they directed their support to those who falsified the boundaries for a price. And Longinus was also full of all sorts of wantonness, always spending his time with drunkards and keeping plenty of pimps around. Indeed, some of them promised that they would bring him the wives of the highest state officials, while others brought him prostitutes and deceived him by dressing them in stupendous outfits and placing them on fancy couches, as if they were presenting him with the real thing. And this Longinus also undid a community of ascetic women in the following way. After dinner[2] while he was staying at the celebrated springs[3], his procurers reported that the women were very pretty. And he sent them beans and dry bread as well as short dresses and some other things, as if he were being friendly to them in contrast to their fears (for women-hawks[4] are clever at discovering pretty occasions for catching the female sex). And going into the sanctuary he seduced many of the women by compulsion disguised as persuasion,[5] for he was so lecherous that he assaulted free women and wives of state officials and young girls before their time, in short he acted completely without restraint. And in a public procession he threw out bracelets and silver balls.[6] And this Longinus was also responsible for many other bad things.
Greek Original:
*loggi=nos: ou(=tos o( *loggi=nos kai\ *ko/nwn a)delfoi\ *zh/nwnos tou= basile/ws. oi(\ paradunasteu/ontes a)qe/smws oi(=on e)n pa/sais tai=s po/lesin e)pi\ kth/masin a)llotri/ois o(/rous e)ti/qesan kai\ toi=s ge ta\ e)/sxata plhmmelou=sin e)/nemon ta\s bohqei/as e)pi\ misqw=|. *loggi=nos de\ kai\ pa/shs a)krasi/as h)=n plh/rhs, a)ei\ me\n mequ/ousi sundia/gwn a)nqrw/pois, a)ei\ de\ pornoboskou\s e)/ndon e)/xwn a)fqo/nous, oi(\ gunai=kas me\n au)tw=| ta\s tw=n prw/twn a)rxo/ntwn e)phgge/llonto a)/cein: oi( de\ po/rnas a)/gontes a)po\ ko/smou qaumastou= kai\ di/frwn e)pish/mwn e)chpa/toun, w(s dh=qen au)ta\s e)kei/nas komi/santes. ou(=tos de\ o( *loggi=nos kai\ su/sthma a)skhtriw=n e)/luse tro/pw| toiw=|de. e)pi\ dei/pnw| e)ndiaitw/menos tai=s klhi+zome/nais phgai=s h)gge/lqh tou/tw| para\ tw=n proagwgeuo/ntwn, w(s eu)prepei=s li/an ei)si\n ai( gunai=kes. kai\ e)/pemyen au)tai=s o)/spria kai\ chrou\s a)/rtous, ei)=ta xitw=nas a)/lla te/ tina, w(s pronow=n au)tw=n dh=qen, e)c e)pistrofh=s tw=n fo/bwn: deinoi\ ga\r oi( gunaikoi+e/rakes eu)prepei=s ai)ti/as e)feuri/skein e)s a)/gran tw=n qhleiw=n. kai\ a)niw\n e)n tw=| semnei/w| polla\s tou/twn pei- qana/gkh| kath/gagen. ou(/tw ga\r h)=n la/gnos, w(s kai\ e)leuqe/rais kai\ a)rxo/ntwn gunaici\ kai\ parqe/nois a)wri/a| e)pipi/ptein kai\ pa/nta dra=n a)ne/dhn. e)n proo/dw| de\ sfai/ras a)rgura=s kai\ perika/rpia e)rri/ptei. kai\ a)/llwn de\ pollw=n kakw=n ai)/tios e)gego/nei o( *loggi=nos ou(=tos.
Bernhardy (1853) attributed the substance of this entry to Malchus. Dindorf (1870: 422-3) included it among the fragments of Malchus, and Bury (401 n. 3) acknowledged that this attribution may be correct; it fits with the tone, content, and style of Malchus' other fragments. Now accepted as Malchus fr.21 Cresci.
On this Longinus and and his brother Konon, compare Evagrius, Historia Ecclesiastica 3.29 & 35 (web address 1). After sharing power with his brother the emperor Zeno (zeta 83), Longinus rebelled under Anastasius (alpha 2077) but was defeated. See web address 2, web address 3, and web address 4 for Longinus during the reigns of Zeno and Anastasius. For the role of Isaurians such as Zeno and Longinus in the empire see Feld (below).
[1] “This” is possibly meant to distinguish him not from the philosopher Longinus (lambda 645) but rather from other Isaurian contemporaries such as Longinus of Kardala — on whom see Bury (1923: 400).
[2] e)pi\ dei/pnw| (“after dinner”) is Bernhardy’s reasonable emendation for the manuscripts’ e)pideipnw=s (A) and e)pisu/xnws (GVM).
[3] Apparently the Suda’s source had previously named the springs.
[4] That is, men who are always chasing women. The metaphorical language here (gunaikoi+e/rakes and a)/gran) implies that such men are predators, and women are their prey; the comparison emphasizes Longinus’ violence. This sentence occurs also at gamma 497.
[5] Again under pi 1436.
[6] This sentence is not directly connected to the preceding discussion of Longinus’ lechery. It is probably a separate fragment included so as to provide a further instance of his wicked behavior.
T. Gaisford & G. Bernhardy (1853) Suidae Lexicon, Graece et Latine. Halis: M. Bruhn
J.B. Bury et al. (1911) The Cambridge medieval history. New York: Macmillan, pp. 479-80
J. B. Bury (1923) History of the Later Roman Empire. Vol. 1, London: Macmillan, pp. 401-2 (digital edition at web address 2)
L.A. Dindorf (1870) Historici Graeci minores. Vol. 1, Leipzig: Teubner, pp. 422-3 (digital edition at web address 5)
K. Feld (2005) Barbarische Bürger: Die Isaurier und das Römische Reich. Berlin and New York: Walter de Gruyter
Associated internet addresses:
Web address 1,
Web address 2,
Web address 3,
Web address 4,
Web address 5
Keywords: biography; children; chronology; clothing; ethics; food; gender and sexuality; historiography; history; imagery; politics; religion; women
Translated by: Abram Ring on 15 July 2009@13:18:35.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (another x-ref; more keywords; cosmetics) on 17 July 2009@04:36:09.
David Whitehead (tweaked tr at one point) on 3 January 2012@03:27:31.
David Whitehead on 21 April 2013@08:26:04.
David Whitehead (updated primary note) on 31 January 2015@08:32:17.
Catharine Roth (cosmeticule) on 5 May 2016@12:24:22.


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