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Search results for lambda,502 in Adler number:
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Headword: *lignu/s
Adler number: lambda,502
Translated headword: murky flame
Vetting Status: high
[Meaning] the sending up of smoke.[1]
Aristophanes [writes]: "murky flame will burn to ashes your body and the enfolding walls of your palace with Licymnian bolts". This Licymnius burned down some people's houses. And there is a play of Euripides [called] Licymnius.[2]
Greek Original:
*lignu/s: h( a)na/dosis tou= kapnou=. *)aristofa/nhs: lignu\s de\ sw=ma kai\ do/mwn periptuxa\s kataiqalw/sei *likumni/aisi bolai=s. ou(=tos o( *liku/mnios e)nepu/rise/ tinwn oi)ki/as. kai\ dra=ma/ e)stin *eu)ripi/dou *liku/mnios.
[1] Likewise or similarly in other lexica, and in diverse scholia: see the references at Photius lambda301 Theodoridis.
[2] Aristophanes, Birds 1241-2, with scholion. Licymnius was an uncle of Heracles.
Keywords: aetiology; comedy; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; imagery; mythology; poetry; tragedy
Translated by: Craig Gibson on 3 June 2009@22:07:56.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (augmented notes and keywords; tweaks and cosmetics) on 4 June 2009@03:57:02.
David Whitehead (tweaking) on 18 April 2013@08:00:21.
David Whitehead (coding) on 16 May 2016@11:39:53.


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