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Search results for lambda,269 in Adler number:
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Headword: *lewna=s
Adler number: lambda,269
Translated headword: Leonas
Vetting Status: high
Sophist.[1] An Isaurian by birth;[2] he was highly reputed among the mass of fellow-professionals in Alexandria. He not only allowed Proclus[3] to share in his discourses, but thought it right to have him share his house and admitted him to share meals with his wife and children, as if he also were a legitimate son. He also introduced him to those who held the reins of Egypt.
Greek Original:
*lewna=s, sofisth/s, *)/isauros to\ ge/nos, eu)dokimw=n e)n tw=| plh/qei tw=n e)n *)alecandrei/a| o(mote/xnwn: o(\s *pro/klw| ou) mo/non tw=n e(autou= lo/gwn e)koinw/nhsen, a)lla\ kai\ su/noikon e)/xein h)ci/ou kai\ sundiaita=sqai gunaiki\ kai\ te/knois pareskeu/asen, oi(=a pai=da gnh/sion kai\ tou=ton geno/menon. gnw/rimon de\ au)to\n e)poi/ei kai\ toi=s ta\s h(ni/as e)/xousi th=s *ai)gu/ptou.
Source: Marinus Life of Proclus ch.8.
[1] PLRE II, s.v. 'Leonas'.
[2] cf. iota 616.
[3] Cf. pi 2473 (Proclus).
Keywords: biography; children; daily life; ethics; food; gender and sexuality; geography; imagery; philosophy; politics; religion; women
Translated by: Malcolm Heath on 30 August 2003@09:57:07.
Vetted by:
William Hutton (cosmetics, added keywords, set status) on 30 August 2003@10:01:07.
David Whitehead (another note) on 2 July 2004@07:23:29.
David Whitehead (another keyword) on 16 November 2005@08:21:15.
David Whitehead (more keywords) on 5 April 2013@03:44:31.
Catharine Roth (coding) on 1 January 2015@23:25:32.
Catharine Roth (tweaked translation) on 16 April 2020@00:49:55.


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