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Headword: *koinai\ e)/nnoiai
Adler number: kappa,2551
Translated headword: common conceptions
Vetting Status: high
[Note] that if thought at some time argues about the intelligible objects, [it does so] not by itself, but being joined with the intellect, just as it also argues about the sensible objects being joined with imagination. For even though[1] most of us do not take part in this intellect, however, certain traces and appearances have reached us. These things are the common conceptions that go through everything, [and] they clearly are appearances of the intellect.
This is why they also say that intellect is the principle of knowledge, that with which we know the intelligible objects.
[Note] that the rational soul contains the essential rational accounts of things in itself, since it has descended into matter, as if it were buried in it, just like a spark hidden in the ashes.
Now, just as when someone digs up the ashes a little, the spark immediately shines again, but the person digging did not make the spark. In the same way the opinion, stimulated through the agency of sensation, emits rational accounts of the existing things. Thus they also maintain that teachers do not put knowledge in us, but reveal the [knowledge] which is present in us and, in a way, hidden. And these are the common conceptions, the shadows of intellect. For everything we know more powerfully than [what is perceived] by demonstration, these we know in accordance with a common conception. But the conclusions of these things that require a proof to be known are the function of opinion to know without demonstration.
Greek Original:
*koinai\ e)/nnoiai: o(/ti ei)/ pote h( dia/noia sullogi/zetai peri\ tw=n nohtw=n, a)ll' ou) kaq' au(th/n, a)lla\ tw=| nw=| sumplakei=sa, w(/sper kai\ peri\ tw=n ai)sqhtw=n sullogi/zetai sumplakei=sa th=| fantasi/a|. tou/tou toi/nun tou= nou= ei) mh\ mete/xomen oi( polloi/, a)ll' i)/xnh tina\ kai\ i)nda/lmata diabe/bhken ei)s h(ma=s. tau=ta de/ ei)sin ai( koinai\ e)/nnoiai ai( dia\ pa/ntwn xwrou=sai, i)nda/lmata tou= nou= ei)sin e)nargw=s. dio\ kai\ a)rxh\n e)pisth/mhs to\n nou=n kalou=sin, w(=|tini ta\ nohta\ ginw/skomen. o(/ti h( logikh\ yuxh\ sunousiwme/nous e)/xei tou\s lo/gous tw=n pragma/twn e)n e(auth=|, dia\ de\ to\ katadeduke/nai e)n th=| u(/lh| oi(=on e)gkataxwsqei=sa, w(s o( e)n th=| te/fra| krupto/menos spinqh/r. w(/sper ou)=n o(/tan tis mikro\n th\n te/fran o)ru/ch|, o( spinqh\r eu)qu\s a)nala/mpei, kai\ ou)x o( dioru/cas to\n spinqh=ra e)poi/hse: to\n au)to\n tro/pon kai\ h( do/ca e)reqizome/nh u(po\ th=s ai)sqh/sews proba/llei tou\s lo/gous tw=n o)/ntwn. ou(/tw kai\ tou\s didaska/lous fasi\ mh\ th\n gnw=sin h(mi=n e)ntiqe/nai, a)lla\ th\n e)nou=san h(mi=n kai\ oi(=on kruptome/nhn e)kfai/nein. kai\ tau=ta/ ei)sin ai( koinai\ e)/nnoiai, ta\ tou= nou= a)poskia/smata: pa=n ga\r o(/per i)/smen krei=tton h)\ kata\ a)po/deicin, tau=ta kata\ koinh\n e)/nnoian i)/smen: a(\ de\ dei/cews dei=tai ei)s to\ gnwsqh=nai, tou/twn ta\ sumpera/smata xwri\s a)podei/cews e)/rgon e)sti\ th=s do/chs ei)de/nai.
This entry is largely taken (with some variations) from John Philoponus, Commentary on Aristotle's De anima 3.13-18. 3.22-25, 4.3-4, 4.30-5, 5.17-20; cf. also Sophonias, Paraphrase of Aristotle's De anima 123.29-30.
[1] Reading ei) kai\ (with Philoponus).
Keywords: definition; imagery; philosophy
Translated by: Marcelo Boeri on 9 May 2004@13:48:40.
Vetted by:
Catharine Roth (modified translation) on 9 May 2004@22:46:43.
David Whitehead (cosmetics) on 10 May 2004@04:26:17.
William Hutton (minor changes to translation, raised status) on 10 March 2008@14:41:43.
David Whitehead on 19 March 2013@06:20:19.
David Whitehead (coding) on 2 May 2016@10:37:16.
Catharine Roth (tweaked translation) on 17 February 2020@00:26:56.


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