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Headword: *kwnstanti=nos
Adler number: kappa,2286
Translated headword: Konstantinos, Constantine
Vetting Status: high
[Constantine,] emperor of [the] Romans,[1] son of Leo the Iconoclast from Isauria. A lion grew up to be a multi-colored leopard, a terrible asp and a winged serpent from the offspring of a snake, out of Dan Antichrist. This man, having inherited both his father's kingdom and impiety, taking delight and being at leisure in licentiousness, in the invocation of demons, and in other wicked pursuits, became a remarkable and especially useful instrument of his father and teacher, the Devil. For he ran headlong into so great a senselessness and madness that he instituted upon his people an all-encompassing ordinance, that none of the servants of the Lord should be called entirely holy, but also to spit upon the remains of these men when they were found and not to request their intercession. For they are not efficacious. Then when he established this, the wholly impure man said that no one should call upon the intercession of Mary. For she is not able to help anyone. Moreover, she is not to be called the "Mother of God." Well, taking a purse full of gold and showing it to everyone, he asked, "Is it worth anything?" And with them saying that it was worth much, he emptied the gold and asked again, "Is it worth anything?" And they said [it was worth] nothing. So also, he said, is it with Mary. For the godless man did not think her worthy to be called "mother of god". For while she had Christ in her, she deserved honor. But after she bore this [Christ], she did not surpass other women. Alas, the damned audacity of this Saracen-believing [man] and Jewish-thinking [man]. For he used to honor Aphrodite and offer human sacrifices on the other side of the city, where the Church of Saint Maura [is]. After razing it to the ground and making it a place of murder he called this place Maura, in which place also by night he performed sacrifices and slaughtered children. [2] Souphlamios' little boy who was slain for the sacrifice, bears witness; although he sacrificed this very child in an obscure corner, God made this quite plain.
Greek Original:
*kwnstanti=nos, basileu\s *(rwmai/wn, ui(o\s *le/ontos tou= *ei)konoma/xou tou= *)isau/rou, e)k le/ontos a)nefu/h poikilo/tropos pa/rdalis, e)k spe/rmatos o)/fews a)spi\s deinh\ kai\ o)/fis peto/menos, e)k *da\n *)anti/xristos. ou(=tos th\n patrw/|an basilei/an te kai\ a)se/beian diadeca/menos kai\ a)selgei/ais kai\ daimo/nwn e)piklh/sesi kai\ a)/llois ponhroi=s e)pithdeu/masi xai/rwn kai\ sxola/zwn, e)cai/reton o)/rganon kai\ li/an e)pith/deion tou= patro\s au)tou= kai\ didaska/lou ge/gone diabo/lou. kai\ ga\r ei)s tosau/thn a)po/noian kai\ paraplhci/an e)cw/keilen, w(s kai\ qesmo\n e)pi\ laou= kaqoliko\n e)kqe/sqai, mh\ le/gesqai/ tina tw=n qerapo/ntwn kuri/ou topara/pan a(/gion, a)lla\ kai\ ta\ lei/yana tou/twn eu(risko/mena diaptu/esqai kai\ mhde\ presbei/an au)tw=n e)caitei=n: ou)de\n ga\r i)sxu/ousin. ei)=ta prosqei\s o( pambe/bhlos le/gei, mhde\ th=s *mari/as e)pikalei/sqw tis presbei/an: ou) ga\r du/natai bohqei=n tini: mhd' au)= pa/lin qeoto/kos au(/th o)nomaze/sqw. kai\ dh\ labw\n e)n xeiri\ bala/ntion plh=res xrusi/ou kai\ u(podei/cas au)to\ pa=sin h)/reto, ti/nos a)/cio/n e)sti, tw=n de\ pollou= ei)po/ntwn, kenw/sas to\ xrusi/on pa/lin h)/reto, ti/nos e)sti\n a)/cion: kai\ le/gousin ou)deno/s. ou(/tws, e)/fh, kai\ h( *mari/a: ou) ga\r qeoto/kon o)noma/zesqai o( a)/qeos h)ci/ou. e(/ws me\n ga\r ei)=xe to\n *xristo\n e)n au)th=|, tetimhme/nh u(ph=rxen: a)f' ou(= de\ tou=ton a)pe/teken, ou)de\n tw=n loipw=n gunaikw=n dienh/noxe. feu= th=s tolmhra=s dusfhmi/as tou= *sarakhnopi/stou kai\ *)ioudaio/fronos. th\n ga\r *)afrodi/thn e)ti/ma kai\ a)nqrwpoqusi/as a)ne/fere pe/ran th=s po/lews, e)/nqa th=s a(gi/as *mau/ras nao/s: o(/nper e)kdafi/sas kai\ foneuth/rion poih/sas *mau/ran w)no/mase to\n to/pon, e)n w(=| kai\ nu/ktwr e)pete/lei qusi/as kai\ pai=das kate/sfatte. kai\ marturei= to\ pro\s qusi/an sfagiasqe\n *souflami/ou paida/rion, o(/per e)n parabu/stw| qu/santos au)tou=, tou=to o( qeo\s e)/kdhlon e)poi/hsen.
George the Monk, Chronicon 750-15-752.11 (Constantine VII, de virtutibus et vitiis 1.143-22-155.20).
[1] This is Constantine V (741-775 CE), remembered by his opponents as "Copronymus" (Dung-named). See DIR entry by Shaun Tougher at web address 1.
[2] For a discussion of this passage see Petrus Gyllius, De Bosporo Thracio 2.6.
A.P. Kazhdan, et al., The Oxford Dictionary of Byzantium (Oxford University Press, 1991) s.v. "Constantine V" (vol. 1, p.501)
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: biography; children; Christianity; economics; ethics; geography; historiography; history; imagery; religion; women
Translated by: Alex Florez on 10 December 2002@13:54:12.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (added note; cosmetics) on 11 December 2002@03:48:01.
Catharine Roth (cosmetics) on 11 December 2002@11:22:36.
Catharine Roth (modified translation) on 6 November 2003@00:13:22.
David Whitehead (another keyword) on 4 October 2005@08:54:06.
David Whitehead (another keyword) on 16 November 2005@08:20:13.
Catharine Roth (added link and keyword) on 5 May 2008@17:31:04.
David Whitehead (tweak; more keywords) on 6 May 2008@04:34:32.
Mehmet Fatih Yavuz (added note) on 10 January 2010@14:56:42.
David Whitehead (tweaking) on 15 March 2013@08:00:55.
Catharine Roth (coding) on 8 November 2014@01:27:23.
Catharine Roth (more coding) on 28 November 2014@14:46:41.
Catharine Roth (tweaked translation) on 16 January 2020@01:01:38.


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