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Search results for kappa,1909 in Adler number:
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Headword: *ko/qornos
Adler number: kappa,1909
Translated headword: buskin, boot
Vetting Status: high
[An item of] footwear fitting either foot.[1]
Aristophanes [writes]: "what [is] the buskin of your journey?". As if, what have you come wearing on your feet?[2]
This [i.e. "Buskin"] was also the name for Theramenes, an Athenian orator and pupil of Prodicus of Keos. It referred to his constant shifts of position. For this man was enthusiastic both for the Thirty and for the democracy.[3]
The buskin fits both men and women as footgear.[4]
Greek Original:
*ko/qornos: u(po/dhma a)mfoterode/cion. *)aristofa/nhs: ti/s o( ko/qornos th=s o(dou=; oi(=on ti/ u(podhsa/menos pa/rei; ou(/tws e)kalei=to kai\ *qhrame/nhs, *)aqhnai=os r(h/twr, maqhth\s *prodi/kou tou= *kei/ou. ei)/rhtai de\ e)pi\ tou= strefome/nou sunexw=s. ou(=tos ga\r kai\ toi=s l# sune/speude kai\ tw=| plh/qei. o(/ti o( ko/qornos a)ndra/si kai\ gunaici\ pro\s ta\s u(pode/seis a(rmo/ttei.
[1] Similarly in other lexica; see the references at Photius kappa857 Theodoridis.
[2] Aristophanes, Birds 994, with scholion. For modern comment see Aristophanes, Birds, edited with introduction and commentary by Nan Dunbar (Oxford 1995) 552-3.
[3] See fully under theta 342 (and delta 234).
[4] From delta 234.
Keywords: biography; clothing; comedy; definition; ethics; gender and sexuality; history; imagery; philosophy; rhetoric; women
Translated by: David Whitehead on 31 August 2001@04:06:30.
Vetted by:
Catharine Roth (cosmetics, status) on 19 October 2003@16:59:40.
David Whitehead (more keywords) on 20 October 2003@03:32:05.
David Whitehead on 6 March 2013@08:41:35.


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