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Headword: *kibdhliw=ntes
Adler number: kappa,1574
Translated headword: looking like adulterated [gold], looking jaundiced
Vetting Status: high
[Meaning they being] pale.
Greek Original:
*kibdhliw=ntes: w)xroi/.
The verb kibdhlia/w literally means "to be like the adulterated", referring to the colour of adulterated gold (LSJ s.v.).
The verb is cited here in the present participle, masculine nominative plural -- surely quoted from [Aristotle], Problems 859b1 (&3) "Why do both the jaundiced and the starving have swollen feet?"). See also Hesychius kappa2597 and Photius, Lexicon kappa691 Theodoridis, both with the corresponding accusative; and cf. more generally Hesychius kappa2596 and Photius kappa690 (infinitives).
Hesychius explains the verb as "those bothered by ki/bdhlis", a kind of dross in metal, and derives ki/bdhlos in turn from ki/bdhlis. Other authorities present similar nouns (ki/bdos, kibdhli/a: LSJ s.v. ki/bdhlos), but even if the etymology of ki/bdhlos is accurate, ki/bdhlis is not an affliction bothering people: the metaphor from the colour of adulterated gold is correct.
Keywords: definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; economics; ethics; imagery; medicine; philosophy; science and technology; trade and manufacture
Translated by: Nick Nicholas on 19 November 2008@04:33:05.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (more keywords; cosmetics) on 19 November 2008@04:51:48.
David Whitehead (tweaking) on 22 February 2013@09:54:04.
David Whitehead (coding and other cosmetics; more keywords) on 1 May 2016@05:13:43.


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