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Search results for kappa,1028 in Adler number:
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Headword: *kate/xrw|zen
Adler number: kappa,1028
Translated headword: was coloring, was staining
Vetting Status: high
"But in the middle [of] making his diatribes he was not only staining the goodness of the matter and publicizing it excessively to random people, but was also bitterly rebuking [them?]."[1]
Greek Original:
*kate/xrw|zen: o( de\ e)n me/sw| ta\s diatriba\s poiou/menos ou) mo/non to\ kalo\n tou= pra/gmatos kate/xrw|ze kai\ toi=s tuxou=si li/an katedh/meuen, a)lla\ kai\ pikrw=s e)pe/plhtten.
The headword -- presumably extracted from the quotation given -- is third person singular, imperfect, of kataxrw/nnumi; cf. chi 537.
[1] Quotation unidentifiable.
Keywords: biography; dialects, grammar, and etymology; ethics; imagery; philosophy
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 21 September 2008@01:17:38.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (augmented note; another keyword; cosmetics) on 21 September 2008@05:01:16.
David Whitehead on 21 September 2008@05:01:32.
David Whitehead (tweaked headword and tr; expanded notes) on 23 March 2011@10:30:09.
David Whitehead on 10 February 2013@08:32:55.
Catharine Roth (fixed note number) on 5 July 2019@17:00:42.


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