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Headword: *)iw/shpos
Adler number: iota,503
Translated headword: Josephus
Vetting Status: high
A Jew, a truth-lover, speaking concerning the Precursor[1] and concerning our Lord and God and Savior, Jesus Christ.
Child of Matthias, priest of Jerusalem; the one who wrote the Jewish Antiquities in twenty books. This man, taken by Vespasian with Titus his son, survived the capture of Jerusalem and having come with him [Vespasian] to Rome, produced for the emperors seven books of the capture of Jerusalem. These very ones were bestowed to the public library, and because of the fame of the narrative he was honored by a statue. And he also wrote the twenty books of the Jewish Antiquities, from the beginning of the world until the fourteenth year of Caesar Domitian.[2] Also two other books against the grammarian Apion of Alexandria,[3] who was sent as an ambassador to Caligula from the faction of the Greeks in order to bring a charge against Philo[4] by some story, for they were prejudiced against the surrounding Jewish nation. There is also another book of his [called] About a complete self-reckoning, altogether excellent, in which even the suffering of the Maccabees is remembered. In the eighteenth book of the Antiquities this man manifestly confesses the Christ (because of the mass of signs) to have been slain by the Jews and John the Baptist to have truly been a prophet and, on account of the slaughter of the apostle James, Jerusalem to have been besieged. And he writes about our Lord Jesus thus: 'about this time lived Jesus, a wise man, if in fact it is of necessity to call him a man at all. For he was a doer of incredible deeds, a teacher of men who received the truth with gladness, and he attracted even many Jews and also many Gentiles. This was the Christ. Even when Pilate had condemned him to the cross on the evidence of the leading men among us, those loving him at the first did not cease [loving him]. For he appeared to them again living after waiting for a third day, the godly prophets having said these and thousands of other marvelous things about him; and even now, the race of those having named Christians after him has not has not died out.' Josephus says such things about Christ in the 18th book.[5]
Greek Original:
*)iw/shpos, *)ioudai=os, filalh/qhs, le/gwn peri\ tou= *prodro/mou, kai\ peri\ tou= kuri/ou h(mw=n kai\ qeou= kai\ swth=ros *)ihsou= *xristou=. *matqi/ou pai=s, i(ereu\s e)c *(ierosolu/mwn, o( gra/yas th\n *)ioudai+kh\n a)rxaiologi/an e)n bibli/ois ei)/kosin. ou(=tos a(lou\s para\ *ou)espasianou= meta\ *ti/tou tou= ui(ou= au)tou= e)pi\ th=| tw=n *(ierosolu/mwn a(lw/sei katelei/fqh kai\ su\n au)tw=| ei)s *(rw/mhn e)lqw\n e(pta\ lo/gous th=s *(ierosolu/mwn a(lw/sews toi=s basileu=si prosh/negken, oi(/tines th=| dhmosi/a| biblioqh/kh| paredo/qhsan, kai\ dia\ th\n do/can th=s suggrafh=s a)ndria/ntos h)ciw/qh. e)/graye de\ kai\ th=s *)ioudai+kh=s a)rxaiologi/as lo/gous ei)/kosin, a)po\ th=s tou= ko/smou a)rxh=s e(/ws tessareskaideka/tou e)/tous *dometianou= *kai/saros. kai\ du/o bi/blous e(te/ras a)rxaio/thtos kata\ *)appi/wnos grammatikou= *)alecandre/ws, o(\s e)pi\ *kalligo/la| presbeuth\s a)pesta/lh para\ tou= me/rous tw=n *(ellh/nwn kathgorh/swn *fi/lwnos dia\ lo/gou tino\s kata/gnwsin perie/xontos tou= *)ioudai/wn e)/qnous. e)/sti kai\ a)/llos au)tou= lo/gos *peri\ au)tokra/toros logismou=, e)na/retos pa/nu, e)n w(=| kai\ tou= pa/qous tw=n *makkabai/wn e)mnh/sqh. ou(=tos e)n th=| o)ktwkaideka/th| th=s *)arxaiologi/as bi/blw| fanerw=s o(mologei= dia\ to\n o)/gkon tw=n shmei/wn to\n *xristo\n e)sfa/xqai para\ *)ioudai/wn kai\ *)iwa/nnhn to\n baptisth\n a)lhqw=s gegenh=sqai profh/thn kai\ dia\ th\n sfagh\n *)iakw/bou tou= a)posto/lou ta\ *(ieroso/luma peporqh=sqai. gra/fei de\ peri\ tou= kuri/ou h(mw=n *)ihsou= *xristou= ou(/tws: gi/netai de\ kata\ tou=ton to\n xro/non *)ihsou=s, sofo\s a)nh/r, ei)/ ge a)/ndra au)to\n le/gein xrh/: h)=n ga\r parado/cwn e)/rgwn poihth/s, dida/skalos a)nqrw/pwn tw=n h(donh=| ta)lhqh= dexome/nwn, kai\ pollou\s me\n tw=n *)ioudai/wn, pollou\s de\ kai\ tou= *(ellhnikou= e)phga/geto. o( *xristo\s ou(=tos h)=n. kai\ au)to\n e)ndei/cei tw=n prw/twn a)ndrw=n par' h(mi=n staurw=| e)pitetimhko/tos *pila/tou, ou)k e)pau/santo oi( to\ prw=ton a)gaph/santes. e)fa/nh ga\r au)toi=s tri/thn e)/xwn h(me/ran pa/lin zw=n, tw=n qei/wn profhtw=n tau=ta kai\ a)/lla muri/a qaumasta\ peri\ au)tou= ei)rhko/twn, ei)/s te nu=n to\ tw=n *xristianw=n a)po\ tou=de w)nomasme/non ou)k a)pelei/peto fu=lon. tosau=ta *)iw/shpos peri\ *xristou= e)n tw=| ih# lo/gw| fhsi/n.
Born 37/38 CE. See also iota 504, and generally Tessa Rajak in OCD(4) s.v.; Catholic Encyclopedia at web address 1.
[1] John the Baptist, mentioned by name below, and cf. under alpha 985, eta 544.
[2] 65/66 CE, counting from the Emperor's birth (see web address 2).
[3] alpha 3215.
[4] phi 448.
[5] Josephus, Jewish Antiquities 18.63-4 (see web address 3).
Associated internet addresses:
Web address 1,
Web address 2,
Web address 3
Keywords: art history; biography; Christianity; chronology; ethics; geography; historiography; history; law; military affairs; philosophy; politics; religion; rhetoric
Translated by: Jonathan Arrington on 13 December 2002@11:03:05.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (added note and keyword; cosmetics) on 13 December 2002@11:44:56.
Catharine Roth (added link) on 13 December 2002@17:42:40.
Catharine Roth (added another link) on 13 December 2002@17:45:23.
David Whitehead (another keyword) on 3 October 2005@09:58:12.
David Whitehead (another note (now n.1)) on 22 February 2007@07:58:47.
David Whitehead (more keywords) on 14 January 2013@03:58:53.
David Whitehead on 4 August 2014@03:50:15.
Catharine Roth (coding) on 13 February 2015@07:40:58.
Catharine Roth (deleted a link) on 6 February 2019@01:52:15.
Catharine Roth (reordered links) on 9 February 2019@18:01:12.


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