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Search results for iota,176 in Adler number:
Adler number: iota,176
Translated headword: sacred scribes
Vetting Status: high
Translation: These among the Egyptians "were clever at speaking the truth about future events. And one of them reported to the king that a certain [child] would be born at that time to the Israelites, one who would bring low the dominance of the Egyptians but increase the Israelites, and being raised in virtue he would surpass all and obtain eternal glory;" [he was] speaking about
And elsewhere: "Suenes,[2] the king of the Egyptians, [was] altogether just. Other good things from a god followed this man's manner of life, and in particular the Egyptian stories sing that a sacred scribe lived in his time, dear to the gods and profitable in every way, by the name of Iachim. They say that he was experienced in amulets and spells.[3]
Greek Original:*(ierogrammatei=s: ou(=toi par' *ai)gupti/ois h)=san deinoi\ peri\ tw=n mello/ntwn th\n a)lh/qeian ei)pei=n. kai\ tou/twn tis a)gge/llei tw=| basilei= texqh/sesqai/ tina kat' e)kei=non to\n kairo\n toi=s *)israhli/tais, o(\s tapeinw/sei me\n th\n *ai)gupti/wn h(gemoni/an, au)ch/sei de\ tou\s *)israhli/tas trafei\s a)reth=| te pa/ntas u(perbalei= kai\ do/can a)ei/mnhston kth/setai: peri\ *mwu+se/ws le/gwn. kai\ au)=qis: *suh/nhs, *ai)gupti/wn basileu/s, di/kaios pa/nu. e(/petai de\ tw=| tro/pw| tou= a)ndro\s tou=de a)/lla me\n e)k qeou= a)gaqa/, kai\ me/ntoi kai\ i(erogrammate/a a)/|dousin oi( *ai)gu/ptioi lo/goi kat' au)to\n gene/sqai qeofilh= te kai\ e)s polla\ lusitelh=, o)/noma au)tw=| *)iaxi/m: o(/n fasi peria/ptwn kai\ e)paoidw=n e)/mpeiron gene/sqai.
Keywords: biography; children; dialects, grammar, and etymology; ethics; geography; historiography; religion
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 24 May 2006@00:23:00.
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