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Search results for epsilon,3473 in Adler number:
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Headword: *eu)hniw/tata
Adler number: epsilon,3473
Translated headword: most docile, very docile
Vetting Status: high
He who is gentle and moderate and not agitated is "docile". The metaphor [comes] from horses.
Greek Original:
*eu)hniw/tata: eu)/hnos, o( pra=os kai\ me/trios kai\ mh\ taraxw/dhs. h( metafora\ a)po\ tw=n i(/ppwn.
Abbreviated from Harpokration s.v., which comments on the appearance of the headword -- neuter plural of this superlative -- in Antiphon (the Sophist) 87 B 70 Diels-Kranz, and adds that eu)h/nios occurs in Plato, Laws 880A.
Keywords: definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; imagery; philosophy; zoology
Translated by: David Whitehead on 21 November 2000@07:26:24.
Vetted by:
Catharine Roth (added keyword) on 18 July 2003@01:17:39.
David Whitehead (modified and augmented note; added keyword) on 18 July 2003@03:20:33.
David Whitehead (another keyword) on 18 October 2005@06:22:07.
David Whitehead (tweaks) on 8 July 2011@05:02:31.
David Whitehead on 8 July 2011@05:02:52.


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