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Headword: *xalki/oisi
Adler number: chi,47
Translated headword: bronzes
Vetting Status: high
"We use wretched [bronzes], struck only the other day in the worst of stamps." They used to speak of 'bronzes' like 'golds' in form, bronze-fashioned. Bad currency is being referred to thus, the gold [sort]. Also being mentioned is the bronze [issue]; for in the archonship of Kallinos[1] a bronze currency was struck. He is saying that the polis has experienced the same in regard to its good men and to its traditional currency: for just as we do not use the ancient currency, a fine one, but a novel one, a bad one, so too we do not use the men of old, fine ones, but we combine to use the present soldiers, bad ones.
Greek Original:
*xalki/oisi toi=s ponhroi=s xrw/meqa, xqe/s te kai\ prw/hn kopei=si tw=| kaki/stw| ko/mmati: xalki/a w(s xrusi/a e)/legon tw=| sxh/mati, xalkoskeuh=. le/getai de\ ou(/tw kai\ to\ kako\n no/misma, to\ xrusou=n. le/getai de\ kai\ to\ xalkou=n: e)pi\ ga\r *kalli/nou no/misma xalkou=n e)ko/ph. le/gei de/, o(/ti to\ au)to\ pe/ponqen h( po/lis ei)s tou\s xrhstou\s tw=n a)nqrw/pwn kai\ ei)s to\ a)rxai=on no/misma: w(/sper ga\r tw=| palaiw=| nomi/smati ou) xrw/meqa, kalw=| o)/nti, a)lla\ tw=| kainw=|, kakw=| o)/nti, ou(/tw kai\ toi=s a)rxai/ois a)nqrw/pois ou) xrw/meqa, kaloi=s ou)=si, toi=s de\ nu=n stratiw/tais kakoi=s ou)=si sugxrw/meqa.
Aristophanes, Frogs 725-6 (here slightly misquoted, see web address 1) with scholion. On the historical context see Dover 281-2: cut off from their silver-mines and desperate for cash as the Peloponnesian War neared its close, the Athenians had just issued not only (silver-plated) bronze coins but also gold ones, struck from melted-down dedications.
[1] The name should be Kallias, Athenian eponymous archon in 406/5 BCE.
Aristophanes, Frogs, edited with an introduction and commentary by Kenneth Dover (OUP 1993).
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: chronology; comedy; economics; ethics; history; imagery; military affairs; politics; religion; science and technology; trade and manufacture
Translated by: David Whitehead on 3 June 2007@07:36:26.
Vetted by:
Catharine Roth (added link, set status) on 4 June 2007@11:00:42.
David Whitehead (more keywords; typo) on 5 June 2007@02:58:46.
David Whitehead on 7 August 2011@07:55:31.


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