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Headword: *xqoni/a
Adler number: chi,326
Translated headword: underground
Vetting Status: high
Meaning [one which is] shadowy. In the tenth [book] of Republic [Plato writes]: "that he will not travel an underground and harsh [path], but an easy and heavenly one."[1] For he uses "easy" to correspond with "harsh", and [to correspond] with "underground" [he uses] "heavenly." Meaning bright. And in Alcman, when he says in reference to strife that it is an "underground monster",[2] certain people took this to mean hateful, but some to mean large; since he is speaking to her [i.e. strife].
Greek Original:
*xqoni/a: a)nti\ tou= skoteinh/. *politei/as deka/th|: mh\ xqoni/an kai\ traxei=an poreu/esqai, a)lla\ lei/an kai\ ou)rani/an. a)nqupofe/rei ga\r th=| me\n traxei/a| lei/an, th=| de\ xqoni/a| th\n ou)rani/an. a)nti\ tou= lampra/n. kai\ par' *)alkma=ni de/, o(/te fhsi\ xqo/nion te/ras e)pi\ th=s e)/ridos, tine\s a)nti\ tou= stugno\n e)de/canto, e)/nioi de\ a)nti\ tou= me/ga: e)pei\ pro\s au)th\n le/gei.
The headword, generated by the first quotation given, is feminine nominative singular of this adjective.
cf. chi 327, chi 328, chi 329.
[1] Plato, Republic 10.619E (web address 1 below).
[2] Alcman fr. 146 Page.
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; imagery; philosophy; poetry; rhetoric
Translated by: Jennifer Benedict on 30 March 2008@03:11:43.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (tweaks and cosmetics) on 30 March 2008@09:07:49.
David Whitehead (more notes; another keyword; tweaking) on 12 November 2013@04:05:20.


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