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Search results for beta,593 in Adler number:
Adler number: beta,593
Translated headword: hide-eagle
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Referring to] Kleon. The expression is composed of "hide" [
bursa] and "eagle" [
aietos]. Simultaneously mocking Kleon for being a hide-tanner and for being a thief and a grabber of public goods. For the eagle is a creature that grabs things.[1]
skytodepsês ["leather-tanner"] [is] Attic, but
bursodepsês ["hide-tanner"] Asianic.[2]
Or 'Paphlagonian hide-man.' It signifies the unpleasant smell that comes from soaking skins and leaving them in chemicals for many days so that they can take [them] apart, from the odor of the water and of the rotting skins. He thus lampoons him as being foul-smelling, and especially singles out Kleon's cheapness, on the foundation of which fortune he came to be pre-eminent among the Athenians.[3]
Carthage is also called
Africa [and] Bursa: see also under
Greek Original:*bursai/etos: o( *kle/wn. sunte/qeitai de\ h( le/cis a)po\ th=s bu/rshs kai\ tou= ai)etou=. a(/ma me\n w(s bursode/yhn kwmw|dw=n to\n *kle/wna kai\ w(s kle/pthn kai\ a(/rpaga tw=n koinw=n. a(rpaktiko\n ga\r to\ zw=|on o( a)eto/s. *skutode/yhs *)attiko/n, *bursode/yhs de\ *)asiano/n. h)\ *paflagw\n burseu/s. shmai/nei de\ to\ e)k tou= e)mbre/xein ta\ de/rmata kai\ plei/osin h(me/rais e)a=n au)ta\ ei)s to\ fa/rmakon, i(/na diala/boien, a)po\ th=s o)smh=s tou= u(/datos kai\ tw=n derma/twn molunome/nwn a)/xari o)dwde/nai. diaba/llei ou)=n w(s du/sosmon, a)/llws te kai\ th\n eu)te/leian a)ntideiknu\s *kle/wnos, a)f' oi(/as tu/xhs o(rmw/menos prwteu/ei tw=n *)aqhnai/wn. h( *karxhdw\n h( kai\ *)afrikh\ *bu/rsa le/getai: kai\ zh/tei e)n tw=| *)afrikano/s.
Keywords: biography; clothing; comedy; daily life; definition; economics; ethics; geography; history; imagery; law; politics; science and technology; trade and manufacture; zoology
Translated by: William Hutton on 16 April 2002@01:05:20.
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