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Search results for alpha,3477 in Adler number:
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Headword: *)apo/peira
Adler number: alpha,3477
Translated headword: trial
Vetting Status: high
[Meaning an] examination/scrutiny.[1]
Damascius [writes]: "in truth it came about that those young men who truly love philosophy were tested just like gold in the fire. Unless it satisfies the test, through which the thing itself is a test, this eagerness only pretends to exist and lies in wait for flighty youthful whims. Me at any rate it hindered, as it was a most difficult matter."[2]
Also [sc. attested is the related verb] a)popeirw=mai ["I make trial of"]; [used] with a genitive.[3]
Greek Original:
*)apo/peira: dokimasi/a. *dama/skios: tw=| ga\r o)/nti sune/baine tou\s tw=| o)/nti filosofi/as e)rw=ntas tw=n ne/wn w(/sper e)n puri\ xruso\n dokima/zesqai. ei) de\ mh\ w(molo/gei th\n a)po/peiran, au)to\ tou=to ma/lista di' h(\n h( a)po/peira, spoudh/ tis ei)=nai prospoioume/nh kai\ e)lloxw=sa ta\s neoprepei=s a)|ttou/sas kinh/seis. e)me\ gou=n diekw/luen w(s xalepwta/tou o)/ntos tou= pra/gmatos. kai\ *)apopeirw=mai: genikh=|.
[1] Comparably, according to Adler, in the Ambrosian Lexicon.
[2] Damascius, Life of Isidore fr.146 Zintzen (88 Asmus). Asmus and Adler associated this fragment with the second part of alpha 735 (Damascius fr. 145 Zintzen).
[3] Likewise in syntactical lexica.
Keywords: biography; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; ethics; imagery; philosophy; science and technology
Translated by: Jennifer Benedict on 4 June 2001@17:14:52.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (added keyword; cosmetics) on 21 August 2002@09:23:31.
Catharine Roth (tweaked translation, expanded note, added keyword, cosmetics) on 14 September 2010@22:51:28.
David Whitehead (more keywords; cosmetics) on 15 September 2010@03:37:42.
David Whitehead on 4 April 2012@06:32:30.
David Whitehead on 28 August 2015@07:47:19.


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