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Search results for alpha,1266 in Adler number:
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Headword: *)alqai/nonta
Adler number: alpha,1266
Translated headword: healing
Vetting Status: high
[Meaning him] curing, tending. "Healing sickly [human nature]."[1]
Greek Original:
*)alqai/nonta: i)w/menon, qerapeu/onta. nosou=san a)lqai/nonta.
The headword -- present participle, masculine accusative singular, of the verb a)lqai/nw -- is presumably extracted from the quotation given.
[1] Metrical quotation more fully in the Etymologicum Simeonis (nosou=san a)lqai/nonta th\n brotw=n fu/sin), where it is attributed to John of Damascus.
Keywords: biography; Christianity; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; ethics; imagery; medicine; meter and music; religion
Translated by: Jennifer Benedict on 11 May 2000@21:20:36.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (added note and keywords; cosmetics) on 31 January 2001@07:54:41.
David Whitehead (tweaked tr and keywords; more notes) on 7 February 2012@05:28:13.
David Whitehead on 5 June 2015@12:26:24.


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