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Search results for xi,170 in Adler number:
Adler number: xi,170
Translated headword: xyston
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Small spear, javelin; also the full-sized spear; also the place where athletes train.[1]
Arrian [writes]: "the insignia of the chosen army [were] eagles, kingly effigies, wreaths, all of gold, draped over silvered xysta."[2]
Greek Original:*custo/n: doru/llion, a)ko/ntion: kai\ to\ te/leion do/ru: kai\ o( to/pos, e)/nqa oi( a)qlhtai\ gumna/zontai. *)arriano/s: ta\ shmei=a th=s e)pile/ktou stratia=s a)etoi/, ei)ko/nes basi/leioi, ste/mmata, pa/nta xrusa=, a)natetame/na e)pi\ custw=n h)rgurwme/nwn.
The headword (for which see LSJ s.v.) has the same or similar glossing in other lexica; references at
Photius xi73 Theodoridis.
[1] For this last sense cf.
xi 166.
[2] Arrian,
Parthica fr. 98 Roos (FGrH 156 F156).
Keywords: art history; athletics; daily life; definition; historiography; military affairs; trade and manufacture
Translated by: James L. P. Butrica â on 21 February 2000@13:27:35.
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